Recent content by GravityBound

  1. G

    A What could potentially explain the onset of the Pioneer Anomaly?

    Yes, I did. But there is little regarding the onset of effect mentioned in those threads. From my perspective I do think that the thermal model is the primary effect at larger distances from the Sun (ie Pioneer 10 residuals), Pioneer 11 data covers what Pioneer 10 did not and the difference...
  2. G

    A What could potentially explain the onset of the Pioneer Anomaly?

    Sure. I just figured that any who might respond would be familiar with the published research. The original study (Anderson, etal) from which one may obtain the residuals of Pioneer 11's onset The study on anisotropic thermal effects (Turyshev, etal) from...
  3. G

    A What could potentially explain the onset of the Pioneer Anomaly?

    With regard to solar radiation effects causing the onset of effect, have any here investigated whether this is consistent with the observed residuals? Because the power of solar radiation is proportional to inverse square of distance from the Sun, it seems plausible to me that the mis-modeled...