Recent content by gracedescent

  1. G

    Helium balloon centrifugal force

    They go the opposite of gravity? They float you mean? Hmmmmph, yes; I think I understand where you are coming from now.
  2. G

    Helium balloon centrifugal force

    Helium balloon "centrifugal" force Homework Statement Assume that you are driving down a straight road at a constant speed. A helium-filled balloon is tied to a string that is pinned to the front seat. Which way will the balloon swing when you apply the brakes? Explain why. Homework...
  3. G

    How is work calculated on an inclined plane for a block of ice?

    Homework Statement The block of ice weighs 500N. It is being pushed up an inclined plane with a height of 3m and a hypotenuse of 6m. 1a. How much force is need to push it to the top? 1b. How much work is required to push it to the top? Homework Equations W=Fd=deltaKE=deltaGPE The...
  4. G

    Finding the kinetic coefficient and acceleration

    I'm sorry, I've never taken a physics class before... I wish it were as easy for me, I suppose this is simply another step! Thank you cepheid, I appreciate it. :redface:
  5. G

    Finding the kinetic coefficient and acceleration

    I didn't think that this problem would pose such a problem. Is it hard or just boring? All it is, is deriving the acceleration and the kinetic coefficient on an inclinded plane with tension and frictional force... then again, I can not do it so... Ah well.
  6. G

    Stopping distance inclined plane

    a=gsin{\theta}-\mu_k*gcos{\theta} thus, d=\frac{v_f^2-v_0^2}{2gsin{\theta}-\mu_k*gcos{\theta}} ? :D
  7. G

    Stopping distance inclined plane

    \sum\textbf{F}=mgsin\theta-\muk*mgcos\theta Okay, I see now... Thank you.
  8. G

    Stopping distance inclined plane

    Correct, out of the scope. I only need the accelration. Only problem, I totally agree with your remark on the normal force. But you need a mass to figure out this. In this case the skiers mass and force is omitted. I only was given the initial velocity, kinetic coefficient, and angle of descent...
  9. G

    Finding the kinetic coefficient and acceleration

    When, Fx=Tcos(20)-mgsin(15)-ukn Since the uk=0.161 If I insert this into the above I obtain Fx= -1.11 So there is still something wrong with the angles I belive...
  10. G

    Finding the kinetic coefficient and acceleration

    When I do how you said: Fx=Tcos(20)-mgsin(15)-ukn Fy=Tsin(20)+n-mgcos(15) ------------------------------ I obtain uk=0.141 Which is (0.020) off but something is still missing?
  11. G

    Stopping distance inclined plane

    s= vi2/2gsin\Thetauk is that correct?
  12. G

    Finding the kinetic coefficient and acceleration

    So, what your saying is that: Fx=Tcos35-mgsin15-fk=max=ma=0 Fy=Tsin35+n-mgcos15=may=0 Well I think that the tension theta of 35 and the hill theta of 15 should be separated and not subtracted by themselves?
  13. G

    Stopping distance inclined plane

    Oh, your killing me with all these edifying intimations. Yes, indeed, I will try! :smile: Thank youu..
  14. G

    Stopping distance inclined plane

    Well, I have that: (initial velocity) vi=20m/s (kinetic coefficient) uk=0.180 (angle) \Theta=5* So, In that: d=vi2/2ukg The only addition would have to be of sin5 at the denominator?