Recent content by gopolks

  1. G

    Hendo Hoverboard 2.0: From Science Fiction to Fact talking Hendo/ arxpax.
  2. G

    Hendo Hoverboard 2.0: From Science Fiction to Fact

    A few years ago I came on this board after Mattel released a prop replica. I suggested maybe a real Hoverboard will be invented. I was told in no uncertain terms, that I was talking science fiction and this was a Physics forum. With Hendo announcing today a 2.0 version of their hoverboard. How...
  3. G

    Is Back to the Future the Clearest Explanation of Time Travel in Film?

    Doc Brown's explanation of time travel on the blackboard, in BTTF2, the best explanation of time travel I have seen in any movie.
  4. G

    Will We Have Hoverboards by October 21 2015? The Science Behind the Fiction

    Three more years. October 21st 2015 is the day, the greatest day in the History of Earth, no day on earth will be happier for all the Earth's humans. You see October 21 2015 is the day that (according to the movie back to the future 2) we finally get HOVERBOARDS! Sure, here on October 21...
  5. G

    Will We Have Hoverboards by October 21 2015? The Science Behind the Fiction

    Very cool, I have seen that clip, so I guess that is where we are now. I guess we are a life time off, from even standing in a control environment on something, (that something for lack of a better word, floats) I've seen a clip from that French artist Nils Guadagnin, he used magnets and...
  6. G

    Will We Have Hoverboards by October 21 2015? The Science Behind the Fiction

    Yes I'm talking about the movie. How about in a controlled environment? and indoor arena, magnetic floors or something? Are we that far off?
  7. G

    Will We Have Hoverboards by October 21 2015? The Science Behind the Fiction

    From a purely science FACT, not science FICTION, point of view, will we have Hoverboards by October 21 2015.
  8. G

    Is the Polarisation of a Teleported Photon Definite Prior to Teleportation?

    Thought this link may be of interest.
  9. G

    Is Time Travel Possible with the LHC and Dirac's Phone?

    Yep that's the thing that sorts of prove we can't go back or send things back in time, as hawkings said you can't have effect before cause. Going forward in time though, is a different story.
  10. G

    Is Time Travel Possible with the LHC and Dirac's Phone?

    I thought he was well respected, doesn't Hawking think highly on him?
  11. G

    How does special relativity account for the time on a single moving clock?

    Thought digitial watches were more accurate than clocks? or have I been watching the wrong channel.
  12. G

    Hawking Time Travel Experiment

    Build A rocket that can reach relativistic speed, somehow I don't think that will get funding, still the idea that it could work is memorizing.
  13. G

    Travelling to the future (paradox)

    Its the fact that it's possible to travel to future in terms of physics, I think that should excite people, even though it won't happen.
  14. G

    Travelling to the future (paradox)

    So basically what is keeping people from time traveling as someone on these boards pointed out, is just a engineering issue.
  15. G

    Travelling to the future (paradox)

    Was this the doco that Hawking said, if you built a train track around earth, and the train went 186000 miles per second, in 150 years, the people will get out the train, and would've only aged a week, and thus you have time travel.