Recent content by goody1

  1. G

    MHB Interval of the Riemann integral value

    I tried this. Is that corect solution?
  2. G

    MHB Interval of the Riemann integral value

    Hello everyone, I have to find an interval of this Riemann integral. Does anybody know the easiest way how to do it? I think we need to do something with denominator, enlarge it somehow. My another guess is the integral is always larger than 0 (A=0) because the whole function is still larger...
  3. G

    MHB How Can I Solve a Problem Using Euler's Totient Function for Odd Prime Numbers?

    Hello everyone, can anybody help me with this problem? The solution is for all odd prime numbers, but I have no idea how to solve it. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  4. G

    MHB Finding Limit: Get Step-by-Step Help Here

    Hello everyone, I need to find this limit . What I tried is that , but clearly, 1/x diverges so I don't think it was very helpful. Could someone help me what I need to do please?
  5. G

    MHB How can I solve this limit without using L'Hôpital's rule?

    Thank you for showing me this solution, it looks pretty elegant! But do you think there is other possible way how to solve it? The problem is we've never learned this method so I think I can't use it on my exam when we'll have to solve similar trigonometric limit.
  6. G

    MHB How can I solve this limit without using L'Hôpital's rule?

    I need to solve this limit without L'Hôpital's rule. Could someone give me a hint what I need to do please? I just can't find this algebraic trick. Thank you in advance!
  7. G

    MHB Can Multivariable Limits Be Simplified Easily?

    Good evening! Could anybody help me with this limit? I have a problem when there are two variables. The only thing I did was that: , but I don't know if it was helpful. Thank you!
  8. G

    MHB Derivative using the limit definition (without using L'Hospital's rule)

    I know using L'Hospital's rule would be easy way to solve it but we haven't learned it yet so we're forced to find another ways. Anyways, thank you so much Klaas van Aarsen, now when you showed me it looks so simple.
  9. G

    MHB Derivative using the limit definition (without using L'Hospital's rule)

    Hello everybody, could you help me with this problem please? I have to find a derivative in x0 of this function (without using L'Hospital's rule): I used the definition , but I don't know what to do next. Thank you.
  10. G

    MHB What is the Limit of an Exponential Function?

    Still, now I'm wondering how we got this . Is it correct? Because I think it should be like that or did I miss something?
  11. G

    MHB What is the Limit of an Exponential Function?

    Thank you very much for your time and explanation. You really helped me a lot!
  12. G

    MHB What is the Limit of an Exponential Function?

    Oh of course, I got it. And in the last step you just divided 3/2 by n because n is infinite number of terms behind dots or why is it like that? Why did you not divide 1 by n as well?
  13. G

    MHB What is the Limit of an Exponential Function?

    I understand that you used Maclaurin series expansion and then the first step behind first equal sign but may I ask how did we get another steps?
  14. G

    MHB What is the Limit of an Exponential Function?

    Hello everyone, can anybody solve this limit? This is really tough one for me, thank you in advance.
  15. G

    MHB How Do You Prove Limits at Infinity?

    Hi Opalg! Do you think I got it correct?