Recent content by goodfellow

  1. G

    Equations that arise when General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are merged.

    So I've been able to find a few good journals on the schwarzschild solution and black holes that I should be able to digest given enough time, But what is Michio doing at 6:45 to 7:30 in that youtube clip? He says he is inserting the Einstein Lagrangian into the 'probability that gravity...
  2. G

    Equations that arise when General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are merged.

    Thanks a lot for you rtime, I'll check these out.
  3. G

    Equations that arise when General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are merged.

    Of course I will still carry on with the physics I am learning now, I just finished doing 5 hours of vector questions, I am just researching this in my spare time. I understand special relativity (or the basics of it at least), differential equations, vector calculus and I have a tenatative...
  4. G

    Equations that arise when General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are merged.

    I am a first year undergraduate who in my spare time is desperately trying to understand what happens when General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are 'merged'. Almost all of the searches I have done on the subject have turned up with the same similar statements: 'General Relativity and...
  5. G

    Centripetal force discussion question (Washing machine).

    Thanks, I was going to write something along the lines of that bout the 'explain in terms of acceleration components' was throwing me off.
  6. G

    Centripetal force discussion question (Washing machine).

    Note: This discussion question is from my University Textbook, as it so happens you can only get the solutions to half of the odd numbered exercise questions... Disclaimer: I have been trying to wrap my head around this answer for a good 5 hours now, so it's not like I'm coming here to be...