Recent content by gone gator

  1. G

    Is the Three-Body Problem Unsolvable?

    nitpick: since the dimension of the state space is somewhat greater than three, they are not, in fact, "knotted" agreed. (on both counts).
  2. G

    Is the Three-Body Problem Unsolvable?

    perhaps, but then it has drawn the interest of many physicists and astronomers for several hundred years. guilty as charged: i think they call doing that "physics" since you did not specify the question you were responding to bruntly, i am not sure what question you claim has the answer "yes"...
  3. G

    Where Can I Find Dates and Locations of Future Solar Eclipses?

    can someone please point me to a cite that states the dates and locations of future solar eclipses. thx
  4. G

    Driving a SUV in airless enviroment

    same qestion: but driving your land rover with a snorkle in water about 2 m deep.
  5. G

    Is the Three-Body Problem Unsolvable?

    not such a straightforward thing for chaotic ODEs (all of must be, of course, "multi-dimensional"). smells a bit like a red-herring here. i do not see how the specification of the digits of pi is algorithmically similar to numerical integration of a chaotic ODE on a digital computer. please...
  6. G

    Why Is the Night Sky Dark If the Universe Is Infinite?

    i think Kepler used this to argue there were a finite number of stars in the Universe even before Newton's fears of collapse... (and two centuries before Olber's formulation of the problem). and a few brits continued to believe it was eternal even afterwards... in 1907 Fournier published a nice...
  7. G

    Is Quantum Chaos Real Despite Contradictions in Physics?

    agreed well, perhaps it is easier to say: we find chaotic dynamcis in many of our best models of physical systems. and it is defined in terms of the infinite time behavious of infinitestimal uncertainties. and there's the rub: if the state of a system is described by intergers then there...
  8. G

    Is Quantum Chaos Real Despite Contradictions in Physics?

    i expect there is a little something missing in the argument from "someone works on it" therefore "it exists." Carnot not only did work on thermodynamics but worked at much of the basic theory while believing that heat was a fluid. would you claim caloric exists?
  9. G

    Can a Commercial Airplane Takeoff During Landing in Casino Royale?

    well I've seen the movie, but i do not recall the scene. how steep was the climb? and while i hate to spoil the nice theory with an ugly fact, but i have been in an aborted landing AFTER we were over the runway; no touch and go; no dramatic climb. in fact we climbed very slowly as we headed...
  10. G

    Information Paradox: How a Drawing Can Represent Two Things

    so honestly: if you pulled "everest is the highest mountain" tonight (after reading this post) would you argue that no information of any kind had be gained? Rosaencrantz and Guildenstern ARE dead.
  11. G

    Is the Three-Body Problem Unsolvable?

    can you explain what you mean by "integrate" in that last sentence? do you really believe anyone "solves" this problem, in a mathematician's sense of soluble? even Newton appealed to God here, for good reason. for almost any initial condition we know a unique solution exists, nothing more. no?