Recent content by Goldenlemur

  1. G

    Any concerns over recent choices of NRC Chairpeople

    I am talking about Greg Jaczko and now Allison Macfarlane. I do not think they are incapable per say, but I question their technical knowledge. Nuclear reactors are highly engineered systems. Jaczko does have a PhD in physics, but it seems to me his dissertation was quite theoretical...
  2. G

    News Am I being biased towards the issues with NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko

    I have been following the situation about the complaints against NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko by the four NRC Commissioners. From what I have seen and heard, I would think that the complaints are legit considering the credentials of the commissioners and the fact two are Democrat and other two...
  3. G

    Travelling wave reactor anyone ?

    I found another Technology Review that been debunking a rumor that Bill Gates is building the reactors in China: Terra Power is talking to India and China about the reactor and with all the NRC regulations in place, I would think they...
  4. G

    Writing a e-mail to someone in Japan

    But the last names are always stated first right? I should at least do Mr. (...). That is more of a cultural thing than style.
  5. G

    Should I Choose Aerospace Engineering or Astrophysics for a Career in Space Travel?

    (1) While a lot of concepts of aerospace engineering are not valid in space flight systems, however I would say that aerospace engineering is a more relevant than astrophysics. Astrophysics is a board field and some do work on space flight systems, but I would say a majority do theoretical and...
  6. G

    Writing a e-mail to someone in Japan

    I been trying to look into e-mail etiquette in Japanese culture. I do not speak Japanese actually. The person I was refereed to did reply in English. I was wondering if last name-san is sufficient or do I need something else. I am trying to purchase a metal that they only forge for my...
  7. G

    Random Walk Problem: Finding Relative Dispersion

    Ok I have a varaition of the random problem as follows. We have a container with volume V and N particles. We consider a subvolume v and n particles. The probability of particles being inside v is (v/V) Ok I found the mean of n (mean number of molecules in v) < n > = N*v*(1/V) Then they...
  8. G

    Solving Motion Equations for Conservation Laws

    Additional question The part (a) of this question shows that distance is x = v' t + .5 (u g) t^2 where v' is initial velocity of box and (u g) the acceleration from solving equations of moition... yet the distance the box should be indepent of time... wouldn't the distnace the...
  9. G

    Solving Motion Equations for Conservation Laws

    Oh the all the stuff that with linear momentum I as doing eailier was meant for part b? I'm just finding when the box comes to rest with respect the belt and just double intergrate eq of motion to find distance traveled?
  10. G

    Solving Motion Equations for Conservation Laws

    Yes the frictional force suppose to be cofg. of friction times normal. i thought normal was equal to the weight of the box because the box remains on the conveyor belt.
  11. G

    Solving Motion Equations for Conservation Laws

    Yes, frictional force suppse to be f = \mu N I thought the normal is mg cause 0 = N - mg ; since the block remains in contact with belt
  12. G

    Solving Motion Equations for Conservation Laws

    Here is the following problem: A box of mass m is dropped on a converyor belt that has constant velocity u. a) Let friction between box and belt be nu. How far does the box slide until the box is moving at with same speed of belt? b) What force F must be applied to the belt to keep it...