Recent content by GodfreyHW

  1. GodfreyHW

    I Inequality from a continuity exercise

    Thank you both. @Math_QED and @PeroK Well, I am still learning, and when I come upon stuff like this, I cannot help but feel frustrated for not understanding. And I don't really trust my knowledge enough at this point to judge by myself that such and such is a typo/mistake or not.
  2. GodfreyHW

    I Inequality from a continuity exercise

    Yes, I do. ##|f(x)-f(x_0)|=5|x-x_0|<\epsilon##, and so we have ##\delta=\epsilon/5##. But this doesn't show that ##|x-x_0|\leq|f(x)-f(x_0)|/5## for ##|x-x_0|<\delta##, which is what I am asking about. I really do understand the continuity proof, trust me!
  3. GodfreyHW

    I Inequality from a continuity exercise

    @PeroK @Math_QED no, I don't want to prove ##f##'s continuity, rather I wanted to verify the author's claim that: I can see that ##|x-x_0|=|y-y_0|/5##, and this makes the phrase "is sufficiently small if it does not exceed" a bit confusing. The equality always hold, no matter how small is...
  4. GodfreyHW

    I Inequality from a continuity exercise

    I am reading from Courant's book. He gave an example of the continuity of ##f(x)=5x+3## by finding ##\delta=\epsilon/5##. He then said that ##|x-x_0|## does not exceed ##|y-y_0|/5##, but I don't see how he came up with this inequality. I know that ##|x-x_0|<\epsilon/5##, and that...
  5. GodfreyHW

    I Courant and Fritz, Construction of the real numbers

    In chapter 1, page 10, real numbers are found by confining them to an interval that shrinks to "zero" length (we consider subintervals ##I_0,\,I_1,...,\,I_n##). Basically, if ##x## is between ##c## and ##c+1##, then we can divide that interval into ten subintervals, and we can, then, have...