Recent content by go quantum!

  1. G

    Note-Taking Strategies: Discover Your Ideal Layout & Organization

    I am curious about how you take notes. From a textbook for instance. Do you follow a personal layout? If you think you're layout is great, neat and efficient, would you share it? Also, how do you organize your notes? At some point I have passed through so many different books and subjects that I...
  2. G

    Mean free path in units g/cm^2

    Hello. I have just read a mean free path (a distance) written in units g/cm^2. How do you interpret this unit in terms of the usual idea of the mean free path as a distance?
  3. G

    What Textbooks Cover the Boltzmann Transport Equation in Statistical Mechanics?

    Hello. Do you know any textbook about Statistical Mechanics that discusses Boltzmann Transport Equation? It is not discussed in the textbooks that I know. Thank you.
  4. G

    Finding the Right Textbook on Cosmic Rays Hitting Earth

    I am looking for a textbook that gives a good description of the cosmic rays hitting the Earth. Do you have any suggestion? Thanks.
  5. G

    Transition: Classical Mechanics to Quantum Mechanics

    Is that the only motivation? It can't be...
  6. G

    Transition: Classical Mechanics to Quantum Mechanics

    Imagine that I have a system that is described classically by a given Hamiltonian which is a function of a given set of parameters q and their canonical conjugate momenta p=\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}}. Then, I will say that the quantum description of the same system is guided by setting...
  7. G

    Path integral formulation of non-relativistic quantum mechanics

    I am looking for a textbook that introduces and discusses the path integral formulation of non-relativistic quantum mechanics? Would you have some suggestions for me? Thanks.
  8. G

    The Klein Paradox - Exploring Beyond the Negative Coefficient of Transmission

    The Klein Paradox is the name given to the following prediction of Klein Gordon's equations. If you send a current of electrons against a potential barrier of height V such that the energy of the incident electrons is less then V - m, you should observe a current of positrons coming out of the...
  9. G

    Complex Analysis for Integrals in Physics

    Hello! I know that the theory of complex analysis is useful to compute integrals of real valued functions. I am a Physics student and I followed a Complex Analysis course but we did not have time to cover this up. I am looking for a textbook that takes a practical approach to this subject. I...
  10. G

    Friedmann Equation demonstration - Liddle

    Are you confortable with the demonstration in page 19 of Introduction to Modern Cosmology - A. Liddle ? My problem is in particular eq. (3.4) when he writes the potential energy of a test particle. I think there is a factor of 2 missing in the denominator.
  11. G

    Bibliography for Cosmography

  12. G

    Bibliography for Cosmography

    Hello! In which textbooks about Cosmology may I find information about the constitution of the cosmos and also about determination of distances and luminosities? Thanks for your attention.
  13. G

    Introduction to Quantum Field Theory: A Relaxed Approach

    Sometimes I find useful and more interesting to read a less rigorous textbook before tackling a reference textbook of a given subject. Having said that, I am looking for a book that introduces the ideas of quantum field theory in a relaxed way. This allows to grab the ideas and then formalize...
  14. G

    Book about Measurements in Astronomy and Cosmology

    Hello! I am a physicist. Although I think I understand quite well the laws of Newtonian physics and general relativity that explain the observable universe, I am a complete dummy in what concerns doing measurements in the universe. For instance, I have no idea how to measure the distance to a...
  15. G

    Programs Cambridge Part III vs Perimeter Institute master program

    Of course! I am just asking which of the two master's I mentioned would be preferable if your goal after the master's degree is to do a PhD in the US.