Recent content by glenncz

  1. G

    Percent water vapor - greenhouse gas

    sorry to be a pain. but this page, an "environmental science" exercise for student says on page 2 that CO2 has about the same concentration in the atmosphere as water vapor, about .04%. does that seem remotely possible? I read...
  2. G

    Percent water vapor - greenhouse gas

    >I can tell you I got involved with such models back in the '70s >that still doesn't match our models. considering the information you are giving me, you sound more like a climate scientist "hobbyist", because a $real$ climate (rush limbaugh cough cough) $scientist$ can't possibly think that...
  3. G

    Percent water vapor - greenhouse gas

    on this page it says "Another gas, water vapor, also exists in small amounts. It varies in concentration from being almost non-existent over desert regions to about 4% over the oceans." and either there or somewhere it says...
  4. G

    Percent water vapor - greenhouse gas

    I'm have armchair interest in greenhouse gases. One of the interesting points is the amount of greenhouse effect that CO2 has versus water vapor. I go to this page and find that the relative percentage of atmospheric humidity is 45%. I...