Recent content by Glenn Emmers

  1. Glenn Emmers

    Combining Signals of Hall Sensor & Rogowski Coil

    Hey guys, thank you so much for all the effort you're putting in! I have some more information for you guys. - The hall sensors I'll be using will be these: - For the rogowski: The actual rogowski hasn't arrived yet so I haven't been able to do the...
  2. Glenn Emmers

    Combining Signals of Hall Sensor & Rogowski Coil

    Thank you for your reaction! My insight in the problem has defenitely become better thanks to your responses. I still have a couple of questions though. In reality I want to connect 4 hall-sensors to the node of V2 and just one coil. I want the amplitude of the sum of the 4 hall sensors to be...
  3. Glenn Emmers

    Combining Signals of Hall Sensor & Rogowski Coil

    Dear all, I'm trying to combine the singals of both a hall sensor and a rogowski coil. The proposed circuit is given in the following figure: This should be the physical form of the implementation given in the following figure: I can somewhat see a summing amplifier formed by A2, where the...
  4. Glenn Emmers

    Can Rogowski Coils Be Used Without an Integrator for HOKA Applications?

    Thank you! HOKA stands for the names of the two people who came up with it: Verkoppelungsschaltung nach Hofer-Noser und Karrer (Source: Hudoffsky, Boris, (2014),Berührungslose Messung schnell veränderlicher Ströme)
  5. Glenn Emmers

    Can Rogowski Coils Be Used Without an Integrator for HOKA Applications?

    Dear all, I'm currently working on an open core PCB rogowski coil and came up with the following design: I concluded that the asymmetry wouldn't be a problem if the coil is centered precisely around the conductor and cause it's mainly supposed to operate around 50 Hz. Is this a good...
  6. Glenn Emmers

    What are the benefits of pursuing a degree in Energy Engineering?

    Dear All, My name is Glenn. I'm 22 years old and from Belgium. I'm an engineering student with a minor in mechanical engineering and a major in electrical engineering. Currently I'm getting a masters degree in Energy engineering. Further I'm a boyscout leader and engaged in the local community...