Recent content by GirlInDoubt

  1. G

    Programs Do Chemistry Majors Have to Take the Same Calculus as Engineering and Math?

    Do Chemistry majors have to take the same calculus as do Engineering and Math majors? At my university (UC Davis), they do. I'm wondering if it is the same at your university or at most universities. I'm wondering because I'm considering majoring in Chemistry (switching out of Engineering), but...
  2. G

    Which is More in Demand: Actuary or Pharmacist?

    good points. I'm just completely clueless about which profession to choose, as I like both. But I know I have to make a decision quickly because the Acturary classes are generally more difficult for me, which would lower my GPA if I also want to do Pharmacist.
  3. G

    Which is More in Demand: Actuary or Pharmacist?

    What job is in higher demand right now? Which do you think will be in higher demand in the upcoming decades? Actuary or Pharmacist? Are Actuaries or Pharmacist in higher demand? Which do you think will be in high demand for the upcoming decades? Do you think that robots will replace most of the...
  4. G

    Engineering In your opinion, who has the upper hand: PharmDs or Engineers?

    I've never thought of me being an actuary before. i haven't ever heard about the profession until a classmate in high school told me that he wanted to be one. He is very good at math, so compared to him, i didn't think i was smart enough. Do you think Actuary degrees/courses are easier than...
  5. G

    Engineering In your opinion, who has the upper hand: PharmDs or Engineers?

    Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. "Massage" - interesting choice of word.
  6. G

    Engineering In your opinion, who has the upper hand: PharmDs or Engineers?

    Thanks for your help, guys (and girls) :) Anyone else? I really need to make a decision soon because I taking the engineering math courses will lower my GPA and make me less competitive for Pharmacy school. :\
  7. G

    Engineering In your opinion, who has the upper hand: PharmDs or Engineers?

    Hi. I'm a freshmen student in the Biochemical Engineering major. I like doing math and physics a lot, because I find the topics very intriguing, stimulating, interesting, and fun. I love that it is all logic and it learn them will allow me to learn how our world works. However, I do not feel...
  8. G

    Do you leave your computer on while you do homework or studying?

    Hi. I'm wondering if you leave your computer or any electronic devices near you operating when you are doing your homework or are studying. If so, do you find that it distracts you?
  9. G

    Studying Balancing Homework & Study Time for All Classes

    Your motivation, determination, and most of all, COMMITMENT are very admirable. I believe 4 hours a day to study for classes as rigorous as physics and math is reasonable. I'm curious, though: do you study for both classes in a single day? So 8 hours of study a day?
  10. G

    Music Does Music Improve Study Focus?

    Thank you for sharing your experience! I will keep that in mind . :) Best of luck to you too!
  11. G

    Music Does Music Improve Study Focus?

    What made you think that I don't want to figure out and implement a good study program? Is it because I'm asking if studying with music is possible? Or that I'm bombarding the site with so many similar topics? ( for which I did get a Private message warning about, and will no longer do. I had no...
  12. G

    Studying Balancing Homework & Study Time for All Classes

    Thanks! I agree with that statement completely. On the first day of Orientation, my peers were already speaking of taking more classes to graduate earlier, but I was already planning to take it in a challenging but not overwhelming pace for myself. Perhaps it is because they have had a better...
  13. G

    Studying Balancing Homework & Study Time for All Classes

    Thanks so much for taking your time to give me such thorough informative! I really appreciate it! ^^ First of all, I really admire that you study advanced math during your free time. Wow! You really do enjoy maths, and have such a passion for it. I want to ask you if you are dorming, and...