Recent content by Giovanni Cambria

  1. Giovanni Cambria

    A Is this solution for interstellar travel viable?

    Casimir effect is short range. But gravitationally speaking 2 Casimir plates are equivalent to a (very tiny) negative mass. (see also: How does Casimir energy fall? II. Gravitational acceleration of quantum vacuum energy) Using an externally generated B field you could make this (usually...
  2. Giovanni Cambria

    A Is this solution for interstellar travel viable?

    I have in mind a way to enable FTL travel. Is this way viable? In the paper: "Weighing the vacuum with the Archimedes experiment" we can see the dependency of the gravitational repulsion exerted by Casimir Vacuum on the energy between the plates. The force goes as E / c^2. In the papers...
  3. Giovanni Cambria

    A Is there a gravitational variant of the Schwinger limit?

    finally, by simply looking for "pair production tidal forces", I found the following article: I do not have the right background to understand the content but some sentences are clear to me and it seems extremely relevant to...
  4. Giovanni Cambria

    A Is there a gravitational variant of the Schwinger limit?

    Hi, I think matter and antimatter respond to gravity in the same way but the experiments will reveal if I'm correct or not. The idea I explore has no relation with the Hajdukovic hypothesis and is also different from the Hawking radiation. (there is no need of an event horizon: only a strong...
  5. Giovanni Cambria

    A Is there a gravitational variant of the Schwinger limit?

    Yes because PV assumes only: "matter polarizes vacuum". There are no explanations about how this happens...I will wait for a published, peer reviewed extension of PV that include a mechanism that explains how matter polarizes vacuum... (like: Heaviside/Jefimenko (GEM) gravity + evanescent sea of...
  6. Giovanni Cambria

    A Is there a gravitational variant of the Schwinger limit?

    Thank you for the analysis: anyway Gravitoelectromagnetism is not useful for me so i will not bother about extensions. Eliminated Gravitoelectromagnetism for me there is another possible approach and that's the latest question i will pose to you: I do not know if the theory is peer reviewed or...
  7. Giovanni Cambria

    A Is there a gravitational variant of the Schwinger limit?

    Ok so it's not usable at all for a gravitational analog of the Schwinger limit. As I feared. I do not know if the link is relevant:
  8. Giovanni Cambria

    A Is there a gravitational variant of the Schwinger limit?

    30 orders of magnitude...ok I think the article we are talking about is not relevant for the discussion. Some other question: * do you know exactly when the GR equation reduce to the Gravitoelectromagnetism equations? What are the conditions for using Gravitoelectromagnetism instead of GR? *...
  9. Giovanni Cambria

    A Is there a gravitational variant of the Schwinger limit?

    The existence of this curvature coupling term has also other physical consequences I suppose. Do you know if some of these have been observed?
  10. Giovanni Cambria

    A Is there a gravitational variant of the Schwinger limit?

    Ok someone could explain better the crucial part: <<While the SEP may be consistently imposed in classical physics, somewhat surprisingly it is violated in quantum theory (see Further information). In quantum electrodynamics (QED), Feynman diagrams involving a virtual electron-positron pair...
  11. Giovanni Cambria

    A Is there a gravitational variant of the Schwinger limit?

    Yes you are absolutely right: there are far simpler explanations. Anyway searching for the dailymail article i discovered this: <<Quantum effects such as vacuum polarization in gravitational fields appear to permit "superluminal" photon propagation...
  12. Giovanni Cambria

    A Is there a gravitational variant of the Schwinger limit?

    I was motivated by this: Maybe there is a simpler explanation but anyway is interesting.
  13. Giovanni Cambria

    A Is there a gravitational variant of the Schwinger limit?

    So how can you say that gravity force is equal for both? If the position is not well defined how can you do this assertion? Be very dettailed please.
  14. Giovanni Cambria

    A Is there a gravitational variant of the Schwinger limit?

    Why? Electron and positron have different positions.
  15. Giovanni Cambria

    A Is there a gravitational variant of the Schwinger limit?

    Is there a gravitational variant of the Schwinger limit? I mean: a strong gravitational field can separate virtual dipoles with tidal forces. The force applied to the positron is different from that applied to the electron (though both are attractive) and, if this difference is high enough, the...