Recent content by gijoel

  1. G

    Significant figures vs precision (I think)

    Homework Statement I've got a doppler shift question about calculating the frequency heard by a receiver moving 5.0m/s towards a sound source that is emitting 3000Hz sound. I assumed speed of sound is 343 m/s for an air temperature of 20C. Homework Equations Freceiver = Fsender((V +...
  2. G

    Comparing the boil time for a copper and steel kettle

    Am I right? The lecturer is being a pain in the butt and vague on her questions. Plus she hasn't really covered thermal conductivity but has done specific heat capacity
  3. G

    Comparing the boil time for a copper and steel kettle

    Homework Statement Your friend prefers to use a glass kettle with a copper base. You notice that the water takes less time to boil when using this kettle compare to the stainless steel one. Explain the phenomenon behind this observation. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution 1. Heat is...
  4. G

    Calculate speed 5 meters from the end of path

    Rounded to the nearest tens, so 590N
  5. G

    Calculate speed 5 meters from the end of path

    That's how we were taught to do it.
  6. G

    Calculate speed 5 meters from the end of path

    Because 60kg is only at one significant digit
  7. G

    Calculate speed 5 meters from the end of path

    Instantaneous speed is the speed at a particular point in time. Steady speed is when an object's instantaneous speed remains constant throughout it's journey. Correct?
  8. G

    Calculate speed 5 meters from the end of path

    Oh that's easy : Patient is 60kg and the wheelchair is 8kg. Patient's weight is 60kg x 9.8m/sec^2 = 588kgm/sec^2 600N to 1 significant digit
  9. G

    Calculate speed 5 meters from the end of path

    So I got this from the lecturer. I can see that many of you are still struggling with Section A Question 2 so I am rephrasing the question and hopefully it will start making more sense. In this question, you are to assume that the wheelchair is moving at a steady speed of2m/s when it is 5m...
  10. G

    Calculate speed 5 meters from the end of path

    Basically the question is define instantaneous speed and deduce what its value will be when the wheelchair is 5m away from the end. Justify your answer. Is there a difference between instantaneous speed and steady speed?
  11. G

    Monolith of unknown civilization found under Mediterranean

    Chances are that it was made on site, and abandoned when the melting ice caps caused the sea to rise round about 8000 years ago.
  12. G

    Calculate speed 5 meters from the end of path

    Path is along the circular path. And I've pretty much stated the question as is. That's why I didn't get it. I think the answer is 2m/s and someone stuffed up. I'll check it out.