Recent content by Ghost101

  1. G

    Addition of Reluctances in Parallel [MAGNETISM]

    Homework Statement Hey guys, I have an incredibly broad question, just revising the topic of Magnetism, On the topic of reluctance, As I have learned so far, Magnetic Circuits and electric circuits have similar properties. When the core is a "series" network, you add Reluctance together...
  2. G

    Algebraic Muliplicity of an EigenVector

    Ah yes! I see now, a good link. and yes I'm sorry for the trivial question, my textbook doesn't cover it unfortunately ;( Thanks again!
  3. G

    Algebraic Muliplicity of an EigenVector

    wiki; They are called multiplicities: the algebraic multiplicity of an eigenvalue is defined as the multiplicity of the corresponding root of the characteristic polynomial. So... its basically how many unique roots there are? is that why its 2? or does it mean that the eigenvalue is...
  4. G

    Algebraic Muliplicity of an EigenVector

    1.Hello! I am having trouble understanding what A.M. is in the problem which asks, "Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors associated with the matrix and find the a.m and g.m of each; for example... -1 0 0 1 0 1 - I * Lambda 0 2 1 The Attempt at a...
  5. G

    Engineering RLC circuit close to resonance

    Hi! Recently I did an experiment of an RLC circuit nearing resonance, and I found a substantial amount of loss of both current and voltage (30%). (More so than a different kind of AC circuit) My question is, why is this so? Or is this just a coincidence/human error? Some of...
  6. G

    Engineering Finding ZL for a series-parallel RL circuit

    I'm having trouble visualizing how the independent voltage source interacts with the right side of the circuit because of that annoying dependent voltage source, because usually you can short circuit each Voltage source and see it's effect but short circuiting the dependent source means there is...
  7. G

    Engineering Finding ZL for a series-parallel RL circuit

    I have a similar problem, can you do Iphi = (100<0')/(25+j10) = 3.7139<-21.8014'AThen the dependant source voltage is 5x that value.. Then you use Voltage divider to see how much goes into the j3? Does the 100<0' power supply directly affect ZL? Its a tough question :( can anyone...