Recent content by GFauxPas

  1. GFauxPas

    How can a funnel be both paintable and unpaintable at the same time?

    If you want to google this, it's called Gabriel's Horn.
  2. GFauxPas

    Is there an equivalent of cosx=1-(x^2/2) for the sin function

    One of the definitions of cosine is: ##\cos x = 1 - \frac {x^2}{2!} + \frac {x^4}{4!} - \frac {x^6}{6!}+\ldots## going on forever. If you take only a finite number of terms, then you'll have an approximation. The corresponding series (infinite sum) for sine is: ##\sin x = x - \frac {x^3}{3!}...
  3. GFauxPas

    Why are they called hyperbolic trig functions?

    The point P = (cosh a, sinh a) on the unit hyperbola gives you an interesting relationship between the signed area bounded by the hyperbola, the horizontal axis, and a line connecting P to the origin. Check out the Wikipedia article on it.
  4. GFauxPas

    How to interpret parametric equations

    To find the orientation, put t = 0 and t = pi/2 (or put more points if you'd like), and see which way you're going.
  5. GFauxPas

    Math and classical mechanics textbooks

    They're from the 1980s so they look "old", but "The Mechanical Universe" is a very helpful series of videos on physics. And of course Khan Academy has nice video courses.
  6. GFauxPas

    Can you recommend me a good textbook for Calculus III?

    I like "Calculus" by Larson and Edwards. I have the 8th edition, but they're up to 10 now. I didn't like how (at least in my edition) they don't go above 3 dimensions, but it's pretty evident how to generalize stuff.
  7. GFauxPas

    Proving A - (B ∩ C) = (A - B) ∪ (A - C) in Discrete Math

    Not sure why this is in the Engineering forum. Mod note: It's now in the Precalc section. One way to prove equality of sets is to show each is a subset of the other. So you want to prove that: ##a \land \neg (b \land c) \implies (a \land \neg b) \lor (a \land \neg c)## ##(a \land \neg b) \lor (a...
  8. GFauxPas

    Spivak Calculus Chapter 1 Problem 3.i

    For someone unfamiliar with Spivak, what are the variables? Numbers?
  9. GFauxPas

    Proving the Limit of log(x+1)/x

    Unless I'm wrong, it looks like your proof only works for ##\epsilon > 2##. Don't apologize for wasting our time - there's no requirement for us to read your post, after all!
  10. GFauxPas

    Proving the Limit of log(x+1)/x

    I'd like to see it.
  11. GFauxPas

    Convergence Doubt: Is Most Repeated Value the Answer?

    Any time the limit superior of a sequence is not equal to the limit inferior, the limit will not exist.
  12. GFauxPas

    Proving the Limit of log(x+1)/x

    I'm not sure what you're doing here: but you don't need to do an epsilon delta proof for this one, there's a much much simpler way. What do you know about the limit of a function that's squeezed between two other functions?
  13. GFauxPas

    Lagrange Multipliers and Shadow Prices

    Here's my last try, probably.
  14. GFauxPas

    Can You Solve These Tricky 2D Integrals on a Unit Circle?

    Maybe try a Weierstrass substitution? ##u = \tan (\frac f 2), \cos f = \frac {1-u^2}{1+u^2},\frac {\mathrm df}{\mathrm du} = \frac {2}{1 + u^2}##