Recent content by Gerson J Ferreira

  1. Gerson J Ferreira

    Solid State Group theory paper suggestions for my classes

    thanks! It is a bit long, but seems useful for my purposes. Ideally, I would like something more like a paper, rather than a book. I mean... a short text that has some interesting developments regarding Lie groups or Lie algebras, but it is not self-contained, thus requiring the students to go...
  2. Gerson J Ferreira

    Solid State Group theory paper suggestions for my classes

    I teach group theory for physicists, and I like to teach it following some papers. In general my students work with condensed matter, so I discuss group theory following these papers: [1] Group Theory and Normal Modes, American Journal of Physics 36, 529 (1968) [2] Nonsymmorphic Symmetries and...
  3. Gerson J Ferreira

    What is the focus of Gerson Ferreira's research at UFU in Brazil?

    Hi everyone! My name is Gerson J. Ferreira, I'm a professor at UFU (= Federal University of Uberlândia) in Brazil. I work with theoretical condensed matter physics, spintronics, topological insulator band structures and spin dynamics using group theory and computational physics in general.