Recent content by georgeh

  1. G

    Rhombohedral primitive cell on FCC

    How do you determine a plane or a point on a crystal lattice when translated to a rhomboidal primitive cell. For example, rhombohedral primitive cell for an FCC is defined as: a_1 = 1/2 a*(x+y); a_2=1/2*a(y+z); a_3=1/2*a(z+x); If we have a plane, for example the 111 plane on an FCC, how...
  2. G

    Finding the Dominant Mode in a Rectangular Waveguide

    Yup. PEC - Perfect Electrical conductor. This is implies that the tangential electric field is zero and the tangential magnetic field is maximum. The Normal electric field is maximum and the normal magnetic field is zero. PMC - Perfect Magnetic Conductor - Tangential magnetic field is zero...
  3. G

    Finding the Dominant Mode in a Rectangular Waveguide

    Homework Statement For an air-filled waveguide rectangular wave guide with the top and bottom made of PEC and the left wall made of PMC and the right wall of PEC. The dimensions are a=5cm b=3m. Find the dominant mode propagating in this wave guide (a is length and b is the height) Homework...
  4. G

    Troubleshooting Opamp Saturation in Orcad Pspice 9.2

    Hello Everyone, I am trying to model a circuit using Orcad Pspice 9.2 I am trying to solve the time when the opamp saturates with maximum voltage operation of 10v and -10v. I am applying different voltages to the circuit, when I do the transient analysis, i am not getting the right time. For...
  5. G

    Population proportion *statistics*

    Homework Statement Harley-Davidson motorcyles make up 14% of all the motorcyles registered in the United States. You plan to interview an SRS of 500 motorcyle owners. a) what the approximate distribution of the proportion of your sample who owns harleys? b) Is your sample likely to contain...
  6. G

    The Bio-Savart Law applied to a square loop

    I get a 45-45-90 triangle. if i draw a perpendicular bisector from pt P to the wire, and draw an r at an angle thetha to the point P..
  7. G

    The Bio-Savart Law applied to a square loop

    I made a typo. I meant, Biot- Savar Law( sorry ).1. Homework Statement A conductor in the shape of a square Loop of edge length l= 0.400 m carries a current I = 10.0A. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field at the center of the square.Homework Equations db = u_0/(4pi) * I...
  8. G

    Determine the point at which the electric field is zero.

    We are suppose to determine a distance which will produce an electric field that is zero. I happen to choose R..maybe that was a bad letter to represent a variable.
  9. G

    Determine the point at which the electric field is zero.

    Determine the point( other than infinity) at which the electric field is zero. * ---------- * One point particle denoted Q1 = -2.50e-3 C and Q2 = 6.00 e-3 C the distance of separation is 1.00 m.. I am not sure how to determine R, s.t. my Electric field is Zero.
  10. G

    Solving Planck's Uncertainty Problem for Baseball Motion

    Imagine playing baseball in a universe where Planck's constant was 0.60 J-s. What would be the uncertainty in the position of a .50 kg baseball that is moving 20 m/s with an uncertainty of 1.0 m/s? so i know, delta X*delta P=(plancks constant/2pi)/2 I solve for x. and it will tell me the...
  11. G

    How Is Lambda Max Derived from Planck's Law?

    I have a problem that states Show that the wavelength Lamba_max=(2892 micro meters*K)/T hint: set the dS/DLamba=0. i have no idea how to do this.
  12. G

    Calculating Planck Constant and Work Function in Photoelectric Experiment

    In a photoelecric experiment in which a sodium surface is used, you find a stopping potential of 1.85V for a wavelength of 300nm, and a stopping potential of 0.820V for a wavelength of 400nm. From these data find (a) a value for the Planck constant, (b) the work function for sodium, and (c) the...
  13. G

    UV vs IR Light Bulb Power Comparison

    An ultraviolet light bulb, emitting at 400nm and an infared light, emitting at 700nm are both rated at 400 W. a. Which bulb radiates more photons at the greater rate? I thought about it long and hard and only thing i can think of is to use the rleationship: v=lambda*f where v would be C- the...
  14. G

    Why Does Length Contraction Affect Only Dimensions Parallel to Motion?

    I have a h.w. problem that states: Explain WHY only the lengths parallel to motion shrink and why lengths perpendicular don't shrink. I know that the vector component of the velocity for an object moving in straight line would be changing. This change only occurs on the x-axis and the not...
  15. G

    Dimensions of Eigenspaces of A | 6x6 Matrix Characteristic Equation

    So the question states: Let A be a 6x6 matrix with characteristic equation (x^2)(x-1)(x-2)^3=0 What are the possible dimensions of eigenspaces of A? so.. eigen values possible are x=1,x=0,x=2 for x = 0 dimension 0? for x = 1 I would say at dimension 0 or 1 x = 2 Dimension 0, 1, 2...