Recent content by geor

  1. G

    Jordan Can. Form of Frobenius map

    Okay, so this is a similar way that seems to work for me: Suppose F_{p^n}=F_p(a), where a is a root of some irreducible polynomial over F_p of degree n. Then, a^(p^n-1), ..., a^{p^2}, a^p, a (= a^{p^n}) is a basis of the F_p-vector space F_p(a) Then we notice that \phi(a^{p^i}) = a^{p^i+1}...
  2. G

    Jordan Can. Form of Frobenius map

    Hello all, I am trying to solve this exercise here: Let \phi denote the Frobenius map x |-> x^p on the finite field F_{p^n}. Determine the Jordan canonical form (over a field containing all the eigenvalues) for \phi considered as an F_p-linear transformation of the n-dimensional F_p-vector...
  3. G

    Is the Rank-Nullity Theorem Always True for Linear Operators?

    Thanks a lot for the feedback! I see it now..
  4. G

    Is the Rank-Nullity Theorem Always True for Linear Operators?

    Hello all, In wikipedia," a generalized rank-nulity theorem as below: "If V, W are vector spaces and T : V -> W is a linear operator then V is isomorphic with the direct sum of im(T) and ker(T)". I had an exercise in Algebra which...
  5. G

    Q(sqrt(2)) and Q(sqrt(3)) not isomorphic?

    Ooops! I think I see it now.. They are isomorphic as vector spaces but not as fields, right? The isomorphism I said above does not respect the product.. That's it, right?!
  6. G

    Q(sqrt(2)) and Q(sqrt(3)) not isomorphic?

    Hello all, I am studying Algebra and in the chapter where Galois theory is introduced, I see the following exercise: "Prove that Q(sqrt(2)) and Q(sqrt(3)) are not isomorphic" Well, It seems that I am a bit behind because I really don't get it... :( I mean, I'm sure that this is the case...
  7. G

    Can log_2(x) be expressed as a series?

    Oh yes, of course! Thanks a lot..
  8. G

    Can log_2(x) be expressed as a series?

    Hello all, I am aware that we can write ln(x) as a series. But what can we say for a logarithm of an arbitrary base? Can we write for example log_2(x) as series? Thanks in advance..
  9. G

    Nilpotency of Matrix with one eigenvalue

    Oh yes, I see it now! Thanks so much!
  10. G

    Nilpotency of Matrix with one eigenvalue

    Hello everybody, I have a question for which I cannot find the answer around, any help would be really appreciated. Suppose we have a matrix A of a linear transformation of a vector space, with only one eigenvalue, say 's'. My question is: Is the operator (A-sI) nilpotent? ('I' is the...
  11. G

    Changing order of a double sum

    What a nice tool! I was struggling for so much time trying to change that variables!
  12. G

    Changing order of a double sum

    Thanks so much for the help!
  13. G

    Changing order of a double sum

    It is possible, is it not?!
  14. G

    Changing order of a double sum

    Thanks for taking the time to answer! Well, no, I started from there, I want to write this as a polynomial of x in the usual way, that is, in the form: a_n*x^n+...+a_1*x+a_0 I want to have only x there...