Recent content by Gaz1974

  1. G

    How to Thin Si02 for Automotive Repair

    Thanks Jim, I thought it may have been some kind of solvent as its supposed to evaporate quite quickly after application n please don't think I'm disputing you at all. I'm extremely grateful for your help. Thanks
  2. G

    How to Thin Si02 for Automotive Repair

    Thank you phyzguy that is really helpful. I am definitely no chemist but do take health and safety serious, gloves, glasses, quality dust mask and tend to do a bit of research before trying things...quite boring really lol
  3. G

    How to Thin Si02 for Automotive Repair

    Ok I'm looking at making my own and for my own use ceramic coating for my car motorcycle and I have a large jar of silica dioxide and so far I have found out how to hopefully liquefy it to a thick liquid, now I am stumped on what to thin it down.. some kind of carrier solvent. Thanks
  4. G

    Can Chemistry Be a Fun Hobby for the Whole Family?

    Berkemen thanks and a fellow biker too nice R1
  5. G

    How to Thin Si02 for Automotive Repair

    Hi folks is there anyone who could help me with si02 please
  6. G

    Can Chemistry Be a Fun Hobby for the Whole Family?

    Hi folks just joined as I have a hobby interest in chemistry and my 2 sons are doing it in school so I would like to able to help with homework too. Many