Recent content by gau55

  1. G

    Group of particles in a magnetic field

    First off, the two sets of forces and velocities must not contradict each other, this is a good way to ensure your answer is correct. You are to check each of them separately. What you said about the right hand rule is correct, and so is your calculation so let's go over the two particles...
  2. G

    Current flow on the surface of a permeability bigger than 1

    Hi, Quick description of the problem at hand: spherical perfect conductor around the origin with radius a, spherical shell (with radius b) around it made of a material with given magnetic permeability bigger than 1. Uniform Magnetic field in the area. The solution I am looking at (which I won't...
  3. G

    Does there exist any electric field inside a charged conductor?

    What you're referring to is probably what you get told in electrostatics at first, but the lack of an electric field is actually the condition for the static state, it can exist and as mentioned here causes a current to flow, this is now electrodynamics
  4. G

    Effective Potential in Lagrangian & Hamiltonian Mechanics

    In Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics it's common to define part of the kinetic energy as the "effective potential energy" but i am unclear on which expression we define this from, if we look at the lagrangian and identify the part of the kinetic energy that's dependant only on the the...