Recent content by gammzy98

  1. gammzy98

    How to use magnets to float an object (Diagram)

    Thanks for the reply! I will check that thread out. I am not that familiar with AC eddy current levitation specifically. From what I know as a basic understanding, it is using a current on coils that can push an object to "defy gravity". If you have anymore info on this that you think would be...
  2. gammzy98

    How to use magnets to float an object (Diagram)

    Hey everyone, I have been doing some research in regards to floating an object, and possibly have it rotate. I am thinking magnetism is the way to accomplish this, but if anyone else knows another method I would love to hear it. I created a simple diagram on what I am trying to accomplish...
  3. gammzy98

    What are the latest advancements in the world of physics and science?

    Just wanted to say hi to everyone! I am passionate about physics/science and just love learning about new things!