Recent content by galtspeaking

  1. G

    Gravitational Potential Energy of a skateboard

    ah, I they are all the same, b/c mgh is the same for all of them, i was considering the total hight each of the slopes from the origin, i think that's where i was wrong
  2. G

    Gravitational Potential Energy of a skateboard

    Homework Statement [PLAIN] Rank the slopes (greatest first) according to the work done on the skater by the gravitational force during the descent on each slope, Homework Equations work=change in potential energy, ie. delta U =...
  3. G

    Can a Rocket Surpass the Speed of Its Exhaust Gases?

    is it possible for a rocket to attain a speed greater than the velocity with which exhuast gases leave it? explain. I am not sure about this, because relative to the gas, I think yes, but I am not sure if it is also greater relative to the ground. This question is from momentum/impulse unit...