Recent content by GadgetStrutter

  1. GadgetStrutter

    Refraction, wavelength and frequency

    The wavelength is inversely proportional to the frequency, ƒ = \frac{cycles}{time} \ \ \ \ λ = \frac{time}{cycles} So this relationship basically means that λ = \frac{1}{ƒ} \ \ \ \ \ \ \ λ = \frac{c}{ƒ} c = λƒ \ \ \ \ \ \ v = λƒ This means that the velocity is equal to the product of the...
  2. GadgetStrutter

    Why Does Snell's Law Give Incorrect Results When Using Certain Formulas?

    Snell's law should be n1sinθ1 = n2sinθ2, where n1 is the index of refraction of the incident medium with θ1 being the angle of incidence, along with n2 as the index of refraction of the refractive medium with its angle of refraction being θ2. The three quantities you are asking about are used to...
  3. GadgetStrutter

    Projectile Motion in an Electric field

    It's pretty much just like taking the vertical component and rotating the page around to make it the horizontal component, or in other words from sine to cosine.
  4. GadgetStrutter

    Projectile Motion in an Electric field

    It surrounds the optimal angle of 45 degrees. They will hit the same spot, 10mm away. One will hit the spot because it'll be low to the ground and gravity will accelerate it downwards fast, while the other one will hit the spot because of the short wavelength of the parabola which equals a short...
  5. GadgetStrutter

    Projectile Motion in an Electric field

    Try using the mass and charge of a proton in your equations. You need to use qE = F Then break it up to qE = ma \frac{qE}m = a First solve for the time of the vertical component. y = v_0t + \frac{1}{2}at^2 0 = v_0sin\theta t + \frac{1}{2}at^2 -v_0sin\theta t = \frac{1}{2}at^2 t =...
  6. GadgetStrutter

    Matrix-Vector Form Write an Augmented Matrix

    Okay, so you have these linear equations: \begin{array}{lcl} r + 2s + t & = & 1 \\ r - 3s + 3t & = & 1 \\ 4s - 5t & = & 3 \end{array} Now, you said you know how to make them into a matrix. The augmentation part is actually really easy. All you have to do is add the answers to the last column...
  7. GadgetStrutter

    Joining the Canadian Air Forces + Get Paid for Physics

    Hello everybody, this is my first post on here. I'd like to make my entrance by asking a question that's very important to me. I would like to ask what it's like to get your University PhD in Physics paid for by the Canadian Air Forces. I've been asking a lot of people, but I thought its time to...
  8. GadgetStrutter

    What are the benefits of joining a science forum like PF?

    Hello everybody :) my name is Gadgetstrutter (no idea why I picked that name) and I wanted to stop by and introduce myself a little bit. I am in love with science and am currently an undergraduate at the University of Manitoba in Canada. I recently noticed this website and thought I'd join it...