Recent content by futurechild

  1. F

    Electromagnet to repel neodymium magnet?

    no it will not be. It will run off a 12 volt battery that will be constantly charged with a car charger. I just want to see how fast i can get this thing going and how much torque i can get out of it so that i can use it as a individual wheel motor. Well the application isn't really specific...
  2. F

    Electromagnet to repel neodymium magnet?

    The electro magnet will be fixed and the neodymium magnet will also be fixed but on a rotating wheel with other ones as well. so when it repels it shoot side ways and spins the wheel.
  3. F

    Electromagnet to repel neodymium magnet?

    Hello all! I'm new to this site and new to electromagnets. I've done some research but now i need help from anyone who is willing. I'm playing around with electromagnets and neodymium magnets. Now i want the electromagnet to repel the neodymium. So first thing I can't use a ferrous material...