Recent content by Fullhawking

  1. F

    Island in the sky - helium launch platform

    Overall, an interesting concept, but it will be quite a long, looong time before anything like this is seen. More practical would be a space elevator taking whatnot out off our planet. However, that is still not going to happen for many maaany years, but still more likely then the isle in the sky.
  2. F

    Could Programming Autonomous Satellites Be Possible?

    A Van de Graff generator is used to create very large voltages, and could be used to power an ion engine. Where are you getting the energy to run the Van de Graff, because as said above a motor runs the belt used in the generator.
  3. F

    Finding an Aerospace Engineer for Research Paper

    There arn't a lot of places here in New Orleans that deal with areospace so Lockheed will probably be the best. I though there was another place local, but I am drawing a blank at the molment.
  4. F

    Fullhawking's: Current Rectification

    Hahahaha. Accually you are very close to what i am building. I hope to use the rectified current to spray charge onto a moving belt for a electrostatic generator of the Van de Graaff type. Another question involving full wave rectification. In a Full Wave Parallel Voltage Multiplier, would...
  5. F

    Electron Penetration in Acrylic: Energy & Equation

    Depending on energy, how far will an Electron penetrate a block of acrylic? If you have any clue or where I could begin to formulate the equation thank you.
  6. F

    Designing an Electron Source with a Needle Sprayer

    I have seen designs of electron sources that use a heated filament to create a cloud of electrons then apply a voltage across them to accelerate them for whatever purpose. Could you replace the filament with a needle spraying the electrons?
  7. F

    Fullhawking's: Current Rectification

    Ahh, thank you. As it turns out I have an old microwave ready to be dicected. The diode was HVR-1, when i searched on the internet I found it was rated at 9kv and something like 120ma not 100% sure on that. Would a neon sign transformer be center tapped?
  8. F

    Is it Safe to Touch Wall Outlet Plus?

    Birds don’t get shocked when they perch on power lines because they do not provide a good path for the electricity to get to the ground. As said above electricity requires a potential difference to flow. A physical analogy is close to this. Let's say you wanted to drop a ball from some height...
  9. F

    Fullhawking's: Current Rectification

    That’s okay. I screwed up in the first place, still not sure exactly what I would need though. I know a couple of diodes and I guess some capacitors but as for their rating I am at a loss.
  10. F

    End of Commercial SuperSonic Flight

    Wow, last flight of the Concord was today. Sad sight seeing it. I am not sure but I hope there is some replacement in the works but I am not sure. Did they decommision them because of their age or lack of market?
  11. F

    Albert Einstein's Wisdom: Reality vs Science

    I had not heard that one before, but it rings true. My favorite is "God does not play dice."
  12. F

    Radiation produced by Electron Acceleration

    Anyone know the equations governing the emition of radiation in a linear electron accelerator?
  13. F

    CERN Acceleration: Exploring the Limits of Particle Speed

    faster than a speeding... ahhh bullet doen't work.
  14. F

    CERN Acceleration: Exploring the Limits of Particle Speed

    Ideally the accelerator is design so that the accelerated particles would not collide with the accelerator tube. Electromagnetic forces are applied to prevent it.
  15. F

    China Joins the Space Race: Launching Next Week

    Heck yeah. I wonder what their next step will be. To follow America's steps and first go to the moon, start construction of their own ss or try to leap frog everyone else and be the first nation to send a man to another planet. I think they would like to do the last, but they are a long way away.