Recent content by FtlIsAwesome

  1. FtlIsAwesome

    Where do you consider yourself politically (Poll)

    Interesting, I've become more right since the last time I took this test. And I expected to be lower on the chart. Edit: As for the thread's poll, I picked none of the above. If I had to decribe myself, I'd say libertarian.
  2. FtlIsAwesome

    Collection of Lame Jokes

    I need one of those. xD
  3. FtlIsAwesome

    What's the next big technology?

    Warp drives. Shields. Laser guns. :biggrin:
  4. FtlIsAwesome

    Collection of Lame Jokes

    If Megaupload is down, does that mean that Megadownload is up?
  5. FtlIsAwesome

    Don't you hate negative questions?

    Wait, what??
  6. FtlIsAwesome

    Record-Breaking: Most Users Online (75) on 09-18-2003 at 04:51 PM

    It's over nine thousand! Couldn't resist. :biggrin:
  7. FtlIsAwesome

    I have agreed to the Terms and Conditions

    It actually says that! :smile:
  8. FtlIsAwesome

    Have fun with this website: [url][/url]For

    Oh, did I post that out loud? :biggrin:
  9. FtlIsAwesome

    Have fun with this website: [url][/url]For

    "The ideal scary zombie." "Light as a breeze, soft as scary zombie." "With a name like scary zombie ,it has to be good." "Keep smiling with scary zombie." And I type this in... and the first thing I get :smile:: "Bigger. Better. Supreme Lard." There's also the Hate Sloganmaker: "micromass is a...
  10. FtlIsAwesome

    Is Learning Greek the Key to Mastering Physics?

    Soon, mathmeticians and scientists are going to run out of Greek and Herbrew letters. I suggest that they start using Chinese characters, that way no one will have to worry about running out for a long time.
  11. FtlIsAwesome

    Who is Your Favorite Mentor? A Poll for Scientists

    Can I take a third option?
  12. FtlIsAwesome

    NASA NASA announces discovery of first Earth sized planets in the universe

    Waaaa? So you're saying Earth is cool in temerature, but uncool as in not awesome? :-p Maybe I should move to different planet then...
  13. FtlIsAwesome

    Collection of Lame Jokes

    What is Santa's native language? North Polish.
  14. FtlIsAwesome

    And the 2011 PF Award Winners Are

    It is honorable for a penguin to sacrifice his life for the entertainment of others.
  15. FtlIsAwesome

    Collection of Lame Jokes

    What did K say to L? Hello L.