Recent content by Frost Dragon

  1. F

    Anti-Gravity Logistics: Pinned to Planet or Beyond?

    If an object was to lose its gravity for any reason, would it lose its reference frame to the planet and sun. Therefore keep going in a straight line? Or is there some other force that would keep it pinned to the planet. Also does this have any application to sci-fi anti gravity would it also...
  2. F

    B Terraforming Venus: Why Nobody Discusses It?

    i am here to talk about the science of terraforming not the cost of terraforming.
  3. F

    B Terraforming Venus: Why Nobody Discusses It?

    As far as I am concerned science is good enough for me, that's all I am discussing. It's not economical for today, even a colony wouldn't be economical but you can't say that I won't be economical several hundred years from now or even fifty years from now. People have never needed "good"...
  4. F

    B Terraforming Venus: Why Nobody Discusses It?

    Yes it would be worth it, we'd learn a lot about engineering planets, even if we failed in our attempt. Remember we are talking about centuries, at least, I remember hearing upwards of thousands of year.
  5. F

    B Terraforming Venus: Why Nobody Discusses It?

    I really like the idea of a cloud city on Venus and I think it would be a good starting point for terraforming. At least we can collect data to see if it would be viable. The question is which would come first Venus or Mars? I think more can be done on our planet, most of what I hear, when it...
  6. F

    B Terraforming Venus: Why Nobody Discusses It?

    if the terraforming was done slowly over a long period of time, the cost would be more economical, and the research we could out of it would, in my opinion, be worth it.
  7. F

    B Terraforming Venus: Why Nobody Discusses It?

    I am just talking about living there not changing it. We wouldn't get anything from changing it. It may happen over time, anyway, probably not. Terraforming any planet is a very long process, thousands of years or close to a thousand. I don't see the value of terraforming other then to have...
  8. F

    B Terraforming Venus: Why Nobody Discusses It?

    We would colonize it for the same reason we colonize any other planet, research, vacation spot, and it would make it easier terraform, which can tie back to research. If we can learn more about other planets, we can learn more about our own.
  9. F

    B Can we identify the centre of the Universe?

    From what I understand the evidence suggests that the universe is flat which means it's infinite, side note: does this mean infinite mater? Or am I missing something. The way I had to think of this to make sense is using the balloon analogy but in a flat infinite universe. So a piece of rubber...
  10. F

    B How to contain an atmosphere in space?

    So if there was a spaceship going in and out of the field would there be a disruption in the field? I imagine some air would get out on leaving. Imagine placing plants and animals in these spheres. There could be lots of fun and interesting things.
  11. F

    B Terraforming Venus: Why Nobody Discusses It?

    Not necessarily you can still build a self contained colony similar to the bio dome idea. It would be a good experiment though. Throw water at it and observe what happens. This would useful for both terraforming and studying how Venus got to where it is. Also good use of a colony, besides...
  12. F

    B Terraforming Venus: Why Nobody Discusses It?

    I was replying to this. I missed the second page when I replied.
  13. F

    B How to contain an atmosphere in space?

    Ok this is an interesting idea I had today. Would it be possible and how to contain an atmosphere in space without gravity. Like some sort of plasma magnetic field. Not sure there is a real practical use for Themis other then studying asteroids without space suits.
  14. F

    B Terraforming Venus: Why Nobody Discusses It?

    Venus has a much stronger gravity so whould it really deplete faster then Mars?