Recent content by Frobenius21

  1. F

    Determine the norm of an operator Tf(t)

    Im starting to learn the subject so I am looking for resources and books with similar examples.
  2. F

    Determine the norm of an operator Tf(t)

    Im sorry, I missed the square root. What do you mean by the thing on the left/right? Do you mean the left hand side and the right hand side of the equation? Or do you mean the left and right terms in the integral?
  3. F

    Determine the norm of an operator Tf(t)

    My understanding is that the norm for T has the form ||T||2 = int (|g (t) f (t)|^2) dt Could you recommend books or resources with similar examples to the problem?
  4. F

    Determine the norm of an operator Tf(t)

    I am just not able to find a function, which maximazes the operator or a sequence of functions. Can you give me a hint if you know?
  5. F

    Determine the norm of an operator Tf(t)

    Yes, T is an operator on L^2(0,1). I was able to show it is bounded by ||g|| in L^infinity(0,1). But I don't know how to find the norm.
  6. F

    Determine the norm of an operator Tf(t)

    I don't know how to start to find the bounded condition nor the norm. I thought about finding a maximal norm to show that it is bounded but I don't know how to continue.
  7. F

    Sum of a series from n=1 to infinity of n^2/(2+1/n)^n

    Thanks, I am just being ask to find a way to get the number of the sum I also used a calculator to get the result it is 3.77381 but I am being ask to use a method to get to that result.
  8. F

    Sum of a series from n=1 to infinity of n^2/(2+1/n)^n

    Hi, I was just told to get the sum from n=1 to infinity of n^2/(2+1/n)^n
  9. F

    Sum of a series from n=1 to infinity of n^2/(2+1/n)^n

    Yes it should converge. There are no similar examples that I know of. I am looking in textbooks to try to find something similar.
  10. F

    Sum of a series from n=1 to infinity of n^2/(2+1/n)^n

    Thanks a lot, I am asked to find the sum of the series not to show if it converges. How is possible to start with that?
  11. F

    Sum of a series from n=1 to infinity of n^2/(2+1/n)^n

    I tried to write it as n^2/2^n (1+1/2n)^n But I am stuck there and don't know what to try next.Thanks for any help in advance!