Recent content by Frequency

  1. F

    Can Dying in Dreams Feel Real?

    All I can ask is, did it hurt when u died? Really, the closest I ever remember being to death is when I suddenly slip on something and my leg jerks up waking me up in the process.
  2. F

    Can large scale warfare be abolished in the next 100 years?

    The only way I see is to completely wipe out the human race. It can definitely be done, but it's not that fun. Otherwise, I don't think so. Like Mattius said, it's just too easy for someone to do damage to others. Once someone gets hurt, they want revenge, and it can sometimes escelate to...
  3. F

    If you could live forever, would you want to ?

    Well if everyone was doing it, I'd probably hop on that bandwagon. Although the world would probably become severely overpopulated, I'm sure ways will be developed to counter it. I'd like to go maybe 700 years or so. If we can currently develop so much within 300 years or so, the advancements...
  4. F

    Ethical Debate on a 'Smart' Pill: Is It Right?

    Is there any information on what kind of intelligence this pill supposedly improves? general intelligence like memory, or subconscious thought, or maybe reduces ignorance allowing an open-mind. I don't think it's morally wrong. It's like instant teaching, right? But is it possible to just...
  5. F

    What movies have brought you to tears?

    The Lion King and Alvin and the Chipmunks (I'm positive there was some sort of movie, maybe not in theatres) Well, like some others, they were just tears. I assure you, there was absolutely no bawling... Well, not much. *Slightly off-topic* On reading the topic, I was expecting to be asked...
  6. F

    Underneath David Blaine's Levitation Act: Exploring the Possibilities

    If I'm not mistaken, there were two different angles showing him "levitate". In the one with street witnessed, he was performing the trick Ploegman described. In the angle where both feet were shown not touching the ground (which had no witnesses) I believe he had either used two...
  7. F

    What is Fire? Exploring the Flame of Light

    Could someone please straighten out this little misunderstanding for me? Thanks. When a fire ignites, is this due to a combustion reaction or a oxidation reaction? Or is Oxidation just another word for Combustion? From what I do understand, oxidation keeps the flame/fire going, as it burns...