Recent content by franznietzsche

  1. F

    How Do I Manage a House Move, Research, and Travel Plans All at Once?

    Gin and tonic my dear. Great news about the grant funding though.
  2. F

    Is Modern Conservatism Unsustainable?

    See Also: George W. Bush
  3. F

    What Constitutes a Well-Rounded Education and Stupid LibArts Majors

    For most Americans? Almost nothing. An education, IMO, should cover literacy, numeracy, and logic until it is beaten into people's heads so thoroughly they can't open their mouths without some of it falling out. If you have those three things you can learn anything (and I mean ANYTHING)...
  4. F

    Is Modern Conservatism Unsustainable?

    Meghan McCain has about as much authority as Joe the Plumber. The modern republican party is unsustainable, the sooner it collapses and dies the better. Afterwards, the same needs to happen to the democratic party. They are incoherent alliances of irreconciliable ideologies. They work so...
  5. F

    Is Cheating the Answer to Academic Frustration?

    This is a silly sort of statement. Of course you can look up formula in books when you're working--that doesn't mean you should have to. Should you fail the exam for poor memory if you know how to use the material after referencing the formulae? Maybe not. But you definitely shouldn't get...
  6. F

    Are Vampires Really Banned from Boston Latin School?

    I for one, will not stand for this blatant discrimination against vampires. Vampires deserve just as good an education as anyone. I've never met a Vampire I didn't like.
  7. F

    Chopped: Poor Visuals and Dull Tone

    Soylent Green is people!
  8. F

    How Cold is It? Share Your Best Line!

    It's so cold that even the tauntauns don't make good sleeping bags.
  9. F

    Chopped: Poor Visuals and Dull Tone

    The food channel doesn't make any sense to me prior to the invention of smell-o-vision. Once they get that going, THEN I will bother watching it. Not a moment before.
  10. F

    How Cold is It? Share Your Best Line!

    BOOO Southern California. I'm so sick of summer in November through November. I'm moving to Minneapolis I think. Give me seasons for the love of god!
  11. F

    Dealing with Phone Mix-Ups: Breast Feeding Clinic Dilemma in Tucson

    Quoted for repetition. Although, this doesn't really solve your problem if your skype number winds up being close to something worse. Personally, I would just ignore the unwanted calls. Maybe there's a reason why I'm a hermit though.
  12. F

    Don't Pay Me to Release CO2 -- I'm Impossible to Find!

    $25 dollars per ton of CO2. Not a penny more.