Recent content by FlexGunship

  1. FlexGunship

    Senior Controls Engineer Interview Questions -- Suggestions Please

    I'm interviewing someone for a senior controls engineer position (this is the same position I hold now). I'm having a hard time coming up with technical questions that would separate him from a less experienced guy but can still be answered within the span of a short interview. I have all of...
  2. FlexGunship

    Number of ways to solve a problem

    Perhaps, the number of ways (n) to solve a problem can only be 0 or infinite.
  3. FlexGunship

    Mitt Romney Calling Obama to "Take Responsibility": Reality Check

    What do you mean "follow up"? I take full responsibility for my choice to drive to work today.
  4. FlexGunship

    Mitt Romney Calling Obama to "Take Responsibility": Reality Check

    You need to take responsibility for writing a crummy post. I take responsibility for my actions. That might be a counterpoint. In fact, I always do it. Sometimes I'm embarrassed, other times I'm proud, and still other times I'm forced to admit that, evidence suggests, I should've taken...
  5. FlexGunship

    Can dark matter skew Earth-based gravitational measurements?

    I think I'm good with this; makes sense. It's not quite intuitive. I guess this is because, now second-nature, image of mass accreting gravitationally includes the constant bumping of particles into each other leading to an averaging in their momentum over time. Is this also true of...
  6. FlexGunship

    Can dark matter skew Earth-based gravitational measurements?

    If gravity is the sole governing force, then why WOULDN'T it concentrate in areas where electromagnetically bonded gravitational bodies (i.e. the Earth, on a local scale) exist? There's nothing about the Earth that would tend to nudge it out of the way. Instead, you have the last 4.5 billion...
  7. FlexGunship

    Can dark matter skew Earth-based gravitational measurements?

    Yes, I did mean to convey that. I only meant that it interacts exclusively via gravity (i.e. not EM). Comprising ~85% of total matter (, you'd expect that dark matter would be the DOMINANT source of gravity. Although, this assumes that dark matter's...
  8. FlexGunship

    Can dark matter skew Earth-based gravitational measurements?

    I'll be cautious in asking my my question because I'm out of familiar territory. But... Given the following: that dark matter interacts with baryonic matter (exclusively?) via gravity, that evidence for dark matter shows that it exists largely near baryonic matter, and we are (almost?)...
  9. FlexGunship

    Verbatim: What Is a Photocopier?

    To be fair... we just call it a "copier". And being a relative youngster, the term "photocopy machine" seems to imply to me a machine capable of copying photos (which our copier is, decidedly, not).
  10. FlexGunship

    Are Nicotine-Free Hiring Policies Fair or Overreaching?

    Any private employer should be able to decide what qualifications the job their offering requires. In the same way that you cannot craft a law that forces someone to work for another person (i.e. slavery) you cannot craft a law that forces someone to hire another person. Any public employer...
  11. FlexGunship

    How Can Changing a Font Save the Government $400 Million?

    I happen to have worked in the printing business as an engineer for the last seven years (both offset and digital). There are four fundamental problems with the proposed solution: Most actual printing within the US government is done with offset. The economy of scale and pricing of ink is...
  12. FlexGunship

    Building a homemade crank generator, but no voltage on voltmeter?

    The rotating magnetic field must be perpendicular to the direction of your conductors. Unwind the spool and rewind it in two packs perpendicularly. Higher number of coils increases induced EMF. For the love of Pete, don't play with that rectifier. You don't want 110VAC exposed in this setup.
  13. FlexGunship

    The Sum of All the Natural Numbers

    So, this strikes me as representative of the discussion thus far. I read p39-40, and I'm okay with it. I don't know zeta function regularization, but I accept that everyone is getting -1/12 out of this particular operation, and that everyone acknowledges that this is famously unconvincing...
  14. FlexGunship

    The Sum of All the Natural Numbers

    FYI, I've been away for the last couple of days. I'm still looking at this. I'min way over my head, but it still makes for a fun intellectual challenge. My latest notebook scribbling seem to imply fundamentally different behaviors for infinite sums that have alternating signs and sums that...
  15. FlexGunship

    The Sum of All the Natural Numbers

    You can also bump it over farther (as you did): S_2+S_2 = (1-2+3-4+5-...) + (1-2+3-4+5-...) S_2+S_2 = (1-2+3-4+5-...) - (0-0+0-1+2-3+4-5+...) S_2+S_2 = (1-2+3-3+3-3+...) S_2+S_2 = 1-2+3(1-1+1-1+...) S_2+S_2 = 1-2+3(S_1) S_2+S_2 = 1-2+3(\dfrac{1}{2}) S_2+S_2 = -1+\dfrac{3}{2} S_2+S_2...