Recent content by flamingyawn

  1. F

    Can all patterns in 3D have an equivalent equation in polynomial?

    for example the is a pattern in 3 Dimensional form. An obviously repeating or sequence of pattern like fractals. Can we create an equation for that pattern in polynomial?
  2. F

    Can all patterns in 3D have an equivalent equation in polynomial?

    Please Help me out with this one. Can all patterns in 2D or 3D, have an equivalent equation in polynomial?
  3. F

    Is atom created if time is taken away from space and acceleration?

    Thanks for the info about not seeing that kind of formula. I join this forum to be corrected and i want to be contradicted. Just inform why this is not possible like many experts do. Thanks
  4. F

    Is atom created if time is taken away from space and acceleration?

    i see. so what creates matter? its a force created during big bang what i mean by acceleration i have no other term for my lack of information.
  5. F

    Is atom created if time is taken away from space and acceleration?

    If so, then when acceleration reach the point where time is so dilated and space is so constricted where it would react into a single point. Like the mass of the black hole is so massive that gravity(acceleration) constrict space and slows the time so much that it reach into a single point. Does...
  6. F

    Is atom created if time is taken away from space and acceleration?

    When acceleration reach to the point of speed of light, we know that space will collapse(3D) and time will slow down(relative) does this leads to the creation of atom? Will space collapse to a single point if time is take away? I view the space(3dimension) as a sphere in which time(relative)...
  7. F

    What are the Four Dimensions in Our Space-Time Continuum?

    Is the 4th dimension time? 0D = dot 1D = line 2D = plane 3D = sphere 4D = time Am I correct?