Recent content by Fizziks_Fan

  1. F

    Testing Have technologies that made our lives easier necessarily made our lives better?

    SAT writing is bull. I got a 12 on the essay and my writing is crap. A friend of mine writes 10x better than me and he got a 11. Don't waste your time and go study something useful.
  2. F

    IQ Test Questions: Odd One Out, Amicable Numbers & Teasers

    Just something to keep you all entertained. :D 1. ODD ONE OUT Which is the odd one out and why? CHIS DENC PORL PERL FRAP SPAD 2. AMICABLE NUMBERS These are rare numbers. They are pairs of numbers in which the sum of the factors of one is equal to the other; and vice...
  3. F

    Work Definition: Force x Distance vs. Force x Displacement

    Hi I always thought work was defined as the dot product of the force and displacement vectors. W = F parallel to D However, my physics teacher told me that it's force x DISTANCE. Does that mean that whenever someone lifts a weight and brings it back down is actually doing work...
  4. F

    Future of Physics: Exploring Research & Potential

    I love physics more than any other science because it is so fundamental and true. However, it seems as though much of physics has already been discovered and all that remains is to apply those principles in engineering and such. On the other hand, I can see a lot of potential in biology as there...
  5. F

    Electric Current: Explaining Electron Flow

    Really basic question but... why is an electric current in the opposite direction of the flow of electrons? Doesn't make much sense to me. :confused:
  6. F

    Gravitational Potential Energy formula

    Hello all. I'm studying for sat 2 physics but I still don't understand the formula for gravitational potential in outer space. U = -Gm1m2/r Can anyone explain this to me? Particularly why G is negative and r is used instead of r-squared. Newton was such a genius. :bugeye: