Recent content by fishingspree2

  1. F

    Direction of the induced current and polarity

    Is it a matter of conventional current vs electrons flow?
  2. F

    Faraday's law and gauss's law for magnetism apparent contradiction

    If I understand correctly, Gauss's law is for a surface off which someone walking could never fall. Like the Earth for example. Whereas Faraday's Law is for surfaces like when we thought the Earth was flat. Is that correct?
  3. F

    Faraday's law and gauss's law for magnetism apparent contradiction

    I was reading here gauss law's for magnetism says ∮B⋅dA = 0 but then faraday's law has d/dt ∮B⋅dA in it. Well if its 0 then d/dt of 0 is 0.
  4. F

    Direction of the induced current and polarity

    Homework Statement Find Vemf (between points 1 and 2) and it's polarity at t = 0. I have omitted details because my question is specifically on the polarity.Homework Equations Lenz's law: An induced electromotive force (emf) always gives...
  5. F

    Cross product in cylindrical coordinates

    If i use the fact that a X b = |a| |b| sin(theta) then I understand where the sine comes from, it this case it would also mean that z X R is in the φ direction if d\vec{l}\times \hat{R}=\hat{\phi}\sin \left (\theta \right )dz is correct. but when I compute z X R using the 3x3 matrix R φ z 0 0...
  6. F

    Cross product in cylindrical coordinates

    In my physics textbook we have d\vec{l}=\hat{z}dz and then it says d\vec{l}\times \hat{R}=\hat{\phi}\sin \left (\theta \right )dz How so? What is \hat{z}\times\hat{R}? If it is \hat{\phi} then where does the sine come from?
  7. F

    Does equal electric field imply equal potential?

    I found that d\overrightarrow{l}=dR\overrightarrow{R}+Rd\phi \overrightarrow{\phi}+dz\overrightarrow{z} so V_{B}-V_{A}-\int_{A}^{B}\overrightarrow{E}\cdot d\overrightarrow{l}=-\int_{R_{A}}^{R_{B}}\frac{18}{R^{2}}dR=\frac{18}{R_{B}}-\frac{18}{R_{A}} is that correct? in that case it seems my...
  8. F

    Does equal electric field imply equal potential?

    Some questions... I'm trying to compute V between two general points for the given E field, just to see what it will give and also for the sake of it. We know that Vb-Va = -\int_{A}^{B}\overrightarrow{E}\cdot d\overrightarrow{l} any idea how I could express d\overrightarrow{l}...
  9. F

    Does equal electric field imply equal potential?

    Homework Statement Given the E field E = 18/R2 R, R is the radial direction. Find the electric potential between A and B where A is at +2m and B at -4m, both on the z axis. The Attempt at a Solution My question is, since E field depends only on R, the distance between the point and the...
  10. F

    E field for an semi-infinite sheet of charge

    Homework Statement We have a sheet of charge, which is infinite in the x direction and has width d in the y direction. Find E field at a height h above the center line of the sheet. The sheet has λs surface charge density. My attempt: We know that the E field for an infinite wire is λl / 2πrε...
  11. F

    Why Does the Cross Product Give a Different Direction Than Expected?

    I am trying to compute -dx i CROSS -x i -y j i,j,k are the unit vectors x is from -∞ to ∞ and y can only be negative. Right hand rule tells me that the cross should be in the negative k direction but computing the cross product gives me y dx k. What's wrong?
  12. F

    Medical I am obsessed with logic and it makes me violent

    Whenever I argue with people and they resort to logical fallacies, I get extremely frustrated and even violent. I have no problem accepting different opinions as long as they are defended in a logical way. What ticks me off specifically is logical errors, fallacies. I can't stand when logic...
  13. F

    Given electric field, find surface or charge density

    We know that ∇.D = ρV My question is, if D is due to a linear or a surface charge distribution, can we apply this equation and get a surface or linear charge density? Thank you very much
  14. F

    Question about the electric field

    Hello, please take a look at the first 2 minutes of this video: He says that we compute the E field, so when we put a charge anywhere, we can know what will happen to the charge because we know the E field due to the other charges. But wouldn't the added charge disrupt the force...