Recent content by firefox

  1. firefox

    Negative Moment of Inertia from Atwood Machine Experiment?

    Wow ! Thank you! I've been staring at my data, and you have made realized this blunder. my h value is from the center of the pulley to the ground, which now I realize, is not the height in which the weight begins to fall from. Cheers! Mystery solved. Also, thanks to gleem for the help as well...
  2. firefox

    Negative Moment of Inertia from Atwood Machine Experiment?

    I'm not quire sure how you arrived at that equation. Do you mind explaining further?
  3. firefox

    Negative Moment of Inertia from Atwood Machine Experiment?

    You make a good point, I'll admit, I didn't critically think about this point; I was following instructions from my lab manual. I've switched the variables around to see if it yields a different result, and alas, it seems I am still getting a negative inertia.
  4. firefox

    Negative Moment of Inertia from Atwood Machine Experiment?

    I think (m1-m2)g is my dependent variable and my independent is a (acceleration).
  5. firefox

    Negative Moment of Inertia from Atwood Machine Experiment?

    Sorry about that, I'm not used to the formatting here yet! It should read: (T1-T2) R = Iα
  6. firefox

    Atwood Machine Lab Homework: Solve for Moment of Inertia

    Jam, I'm working on a similar lab. Did you happen to get a negative value for your moment of inertia?
  7. firefox

    Negative Moment of Inertia from Atwood Machine Experiment?

    I'm currently completing an Atwood Machine Experiment with two 100g weights on either side of the pulley, with a variance in weight created by attaching dimes and pennies to either side of the weights. The point of the experiment is to validate: (m1 – m2)g = (m1 + m2 + I/R2) Homework Statement...
  8. firefox

    What topics in physics are you most excited to learn about?

    Hi Physics Forums, I'm excited to be a part of this community! I'm very interested in Physics, and am currently completing a couple university level courses for them. I hope to learn lots :) Firefox