Recent content by Finkle

  1. F

    Medical Selectively raising or lowering the temperature of certain organs

    I was thinking the other day on whether there are any medical procedures that involve raising or lowering the temperature of a solitary organ. I know controlled temperature changes are mostly safe and useful for certain conditions. It seems that this could be useful for doing it to one...
  2. F

    Sum of Multiples of 3 and 5 Below 1000 - Simple C++ Programming Question

    Annnnd I figured out what I did wrong. The problem states below rather than up to 1000. It included 1000 in the answer so I just subtract that and be on my way. If there are any bad habits that are in my code, I would like to know just so I don't continue using it. Thanks.
  3. F

    Sum of Multiples of 3 and 5 Below 1000 - Simple C++ Programming Question

    I'm teaching myself C++ and am stuck on this VERY simple problem. I'm not sure what's wrong with my code. The problem is from if anyone is wondering. Homework Statement If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9...
  4. F

    Why do Physics programs not cover continuum mechanics?

    Hm, I guess that basically makes my question invalid. Still I think it's interesting that it's not part of the regular curriculum in all programs. It seems to me just as important as electromagnetism... Okay maybe not that important but still it doesn't seem to get as much credit as it deserves.
  5. F

    Why do Physics programs not cover continuum mechanics?

    I've looked at a few Physics programs and none seem to cover any time of fluids or continuum mechanics in general. It seems to be a very relevant subject to cover but it's only slightly addressed in one of the lower level classes. In these classes they usually only going over Bernoulli's...
  6. F

    Schools How much does Overall GPA effect grad school admissions?

    Hey so here's my situation... I am currently an engineering student and I have COMPLETELY lost interest in it. Sadly this happened during my junior year. I plan on transferring to Math. At the end of this semester my gpa will probably be around 3.1 with about 106 credit hours. Assuming I do...
  7. F

    What is the Best Saxophone Song?

    King Crimson anyone?