Recent content by fineztpaki

  1. F

    Deriving Formulas for Vmin & Vmax on Glare Ice w/ Zero Friction

    I got for vmin: Vsqrt((1-mu(Rg)/(V^2))/(1+mu(V^2)/(Rg))) but it keeps saying its wrong!??!?
  2. F

    Deriving Formulas for Vmin & Vmax on Glare Ice w/ Zero Friction

    Homework Statement A circular curve of radius R in a new highway is designed so that a car traveling at speed v can negotiate the turn safely on glare ice (zero friction). If a car travels too slowly, then it will slip toward the center of the circle. If it travels too fast, then it will...
  3. F

    Attraction and gravitational force.

    ahh.. i still don't get it?
  4. F

    Attraction and gravitational force.

    Homework Statement Two objects attract each other gravitationally with a force of 2.7 10-10 N when they are 0.25 m apart. Their total mass is 4.0 kg. Find their individual masses. larger mass - I kind of guessed this was 4.0 kg but don't know how to do it. smaller mass ? kg The...
  5. F

    A bucket of mass 1.60 kg is whirled in a vertical circle of radius 1.00 m.

    How do I get speed, or velocity (m/s) from that? The answer is supposed to be in m/s ... I'm still confused
  6. F

    A bucket of mass 1.60 kg is whirled in a vertical circle of radius 1.00 m.

    Is there any formula i would be able to use to solve this?
  7. F

    A bucket of mass 1.60 kg is whirled in a vertical circle of radius 1.00 m.

    Homework Statement A bucket of mass 1.60 kg is whirled in a vertical circle of radius 1.00 m. At the lowest point of its motion the tension in the rope supporting the bucket is 25.0 N. (a) Find the speed of the bucket. (b) How fast must the bucket move at the top of the circle so that the...