Recent content by fereopk

  1. F

    Question about the tether scene from the movie Gravity

    It was very in-elastic, there was almost no stretching. Even if there was stretching, wouldn't it remain tense as long as the constant acceleration is applied? Why would it oscillate if the same force that brought it to that stretch is still there?
  2. F

    Question about the tether scene from the movie Gravity

    If he was tethered to something with very little mass, like a paperclip, and started accelerating, intuitively the rope would just remain tense, right? But if it was something like a planet, there would be a sort of jerk that would pull him back, loosening the rope? How do you know what will happen?
  3. F

    Question about the tether scene from the movie Gravity

    Yes I was just looking for an explanation.
  4. F

    Question about the tether scene from the movie Gravity

    One of the astronauts is actually continually accelerating using his booster to pull the other. When he gets far enough, the rope tenses and then de-tenses, pulling the other astronaut.
  5. F

    Question about the tether scene from the movie Gravity

    Question about the tether scene from the movie "Gravity" In the movie there's a scene where two astronauts are joined together by a rope. One is accelerating to pull the other. The astronaut would accelerate, the rope would tense and give a jerk to the other astronaut. Then the rope would...
  6. F

    Where does this approximation come from?

    Ahh, I see. Thanks!
  7. F

    Where does this approximation come from?

    No, unfortunately. Is there a name for this approximation?
  8. F

    Where does this approximation come from?

    \frac{\sqrt{1-a}}{\sqrt{1-b}}\approx \left ( 1-\frac{1}{2}a\right )\left ( 1+\frac{1}{2}b\right ) I know that the binomial approximation is first used, \frac{\sqrt{1-a}}{\sqrt{1-b}}\approx \frac{1-\frac{1}{2}a}{1-\frac{1}{2}b} But how does one approximate...
  9. F

    How is entanglement not weird ?
  10. F

    How is entanglement not weird ?

    That's an interesting theory." But apparently "the structures of the brain are much too large for quantum effects to be important. It is impossible for coherent quantum states to form for very long in the brain and impossible for them to exist at...
  11. F

    How is entanglement not weird ?

    How is entanglement not "weird"?" But explain to me how this is not weird: So 2 people receive a set of boxes, all the boxes are numbered and the 2 sets have the same numbers, the boxes have 3 doors, opening a...
  12. F

    Does consciousness go against the laws of physics?

    That's a very basic instinct built hard into your system, like sexual desire.
  13. F

    Does consciousness go against the laws of physics?
  14. F

    Does consciousness go against the laws of physics?

    But I think that is true... Can't really explain there's a bunch of predetermined reactions taking place in your brain, but they are all communicating with "you" that makes the final decision. And I think "you" ARE free from those laws. I mean, you're thinking to yourself and everything...
  15. F

    Does consciousness go against the laws of physics?

    Well I'm just going by the definition.