Recent content by Ferbs207

  1. F

    Max thermal conductivity required for heating elements

    (a) The goal is to buy the least expensive thermal insulation that will satisfy the design requirements. Practically speaking, the more expensive the insulation, the lower the thermal conductivity (k), so essentially I'm after the highest allowable value of k. The general principle is energy...
  2. F

    Max thermal conductivity required for heating elements

    I'm designing an oven and want to ensure that the insulation I specify has a low enough Thermal Conductivity (k) to resist excessive heat loss. I determine heat loss (Hout)with the following equation: Hout=A*U*(T1-T0). U is dependent on k (U=k/L). I omitted the heat transfer coefficient in...
  3. F

    Work to Construct Conducting Spheres

    1. Homework Statement How much work does it take to construct a conducting sphere of radius 'a' and charge '+q' by pulling charges ('dq') from an infinite distance? Then construct another conducting sphere of radius 'b' and charge '-q' around the sphere of radius 'a'. Given 'a'<'b'. 2...