Recent content by fer344

  1. fer344

    Charge 18650 with BCAP0050 2.7V 50F is possible?

    My doubt born here: I see that I could transform between Farad and Ah, but not really... instead Farad was Faraday...
  2. fer344

    Charge 18650 with BCAP0050 2.7V 50F is possible?

    Thanks for response! :) My interest is on testing batteries, want to control charge-discharge but have not enough knowledge.
  3. fer344

    Charge 18650 with BCAP0050 2.7V 50F is possible?

    Can I put a resistor and control discharge of BCAP0050 2.7V 50F in order to charge 18650 battery?
  4. fer344

    Exploring the Science of Greetings: A Warm Welcome from Spain

    Hello guys! just arrive here and want to say hello :)