Recent content by fargoth

  1. fargoth

    Viscosity -- capillary radius, and permeability threshold

    In a demonstration of the qualities of liquid Helium in type 1, and type 2 the fact that a super-fluid can permeate through capillaries which are too small for type 1 Helium to pass through. I was wondering about the equation which determines the capillary radius threshold under which the...
  2. fargoth

    News Iraqi unrest, Syrian unrest, and ISIS/ISIL/Daesh

    Good News: Islamic State suffers double blow as Ramadi falls, leaders killed
  3. fargoth

    News Iraqi unrest, Syrian unrest, and ISIS/ISIL/Daesh

    Al-Qaeda opposes ISIS as well, doesn't make them part of "the good guys". Just read the things he said (apart from interviews he gave to western media, in which he backtracks on everything he says to his people). "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is a dangerous strategy. Assad is also...
  4. fargoth

    News Iraqi unrest, Syrian unrest, and ISIS/ISIL/Daesh

    Jaysh Al-Islam's leader, Jahran Alloush, has been killed by the Syrian air force. Another lunatic down, good riddance.
  5. fargoth

    News Why Did Turkey Shoot Down a Russian Jet Near the Syria Border?

    Oh, CNN has the quote too: I like the irony.
  6. fargoth

    News Why Did Turkey Shoot Down a Russian Jet Near the Syria Border?

    I wonder how no one here has mentioned how similar this situation is to this one:
  7. fargoth

    News Iraqi unrest, Syrian unrest, and ISIS/ISIL/Daesh

    I wonder why western countries keep those who wish to join ISIS against their will and confiscate their passports... I would have even helped them to get off my country and informed the Interpol so that they would be denied entrance to any proper country. If you insist on preventing ISIS from...
  8. fargoth

    News Iraqi unrest, Syrian unrest, and ISIS/ISIL/Daesh

    For some reason you seem to think that ISIS is the only problematic group over there... I think HossamCFD meant rebels who are not jihadist salafis or just plain terrorists ala PKK.
  9. fargoth

    News Iraqi unrest, Syrian unrest, and ISIS/ISIL/Daesh

    I don't think the US has a problem with dictatorships.. They support\undermine them when there is a geopolitical\economical reason to do so, the human rights angle is just an excuse. The Shah of Iran is one example. The situation in Saudi Arabia in terms of human rights is much worse than the...
  10. fargoth

    News Iraqi unrest, Syrian unrest, and ISIS/ISIL/Daesh

    I've recently watched an interview with Julian Assange with regards to Syria's situation. It turns out there were documents dating back to 2006 on plans to undermine the Syrian government.
  11. fargoth

    News Iraqi unrest, Syrian unrest, and ISIS/ISIL/Daesh

    This might interest you as well:
  12. fargoth

    News Iraqi unrest, Syrian unrest, and ISIS/ISIL/Daesh

    I wasn't talking about ISIS, I was talking about Assad, the air campaign is irrelevant in this context.. They started to get involved in the internal affairs of Syria on Q3 of 2012 - Can you find a source for how many rebels died up to that point? I don't think it was 200k back then (although...
  13. fargoth

    News Iraqi unrest, Syrian unrest, and ISIS/ISIL/Daesh

    Source? (I hope this shortened version of your reply is what you meant to say). Note that I was not speaking only about US intervention in the sentence you respond to, I mentioned gulf states too: The Financial Times reported that Qatar had funded the Syrian rebellion by "as much as $3...
  14. fargoth

    News Iraqi unrest, Syrian unrest, and ISIS/ISIL/Daesh

    It's equally effective, would probably backfire and end up serving anti western muslim extremists too - but on the plus side - it costs less.
  15. fargoth

    News Iraqi unrest, Syrian unrest, and ISIS/ISIL/Daesh

    The mistake is training and providing weapons to extremists just because they oppose both Assad and ISIS. Russia is hitting these extremists. Had Russia not intervened, and Assad would have been removed - even if ISIS would also have been defeated, these extremists would have filled the vacuum...