Recent content by Faraday123

  1. F

    Surface tension capillary rise method equation Could someone help me solve the capillary rise method equation, with a worked example: y= hpgr/2 Thank you soo much
  2. F

    Effect of magnetism on water molecules

    Thank you so much for the detailed reply. I will be investigating many of the suggestions above in progressing with the project.
  3. F

    Effect of magnetism on water molecules

    Does anybody have ideas for experiments that I can perform to investigate the title? I am working on a science project at the moment. Thanks very much for any help given.
  4. F

    Does diamagnetism cause a faster orbital spin

    Due to diamagnetism in certain substances such as water, does this cause a faster orbital spin due to the change in magnetic dipole moment induced by an external magnet? I'm doing a Science-fair project at the moment and this is eluding me Thank you
  5. F

    Negative Voltage/Current Readings in Induction Generator: Causes & Solutions

    Homework Statement I am taking the readings of voltage/current in a small induction generator; the readings are conveyed as negative on the voltage/current sensors on my data-logger, and positive on the multimeter in both areas. When the magnet passes through the coil, and power is generated...