Recent content by fantexihong

  1. F

    Hard molar specific heat question?

    It works!I just need to integrate that C function, thank you!
  2. F

    Hard molar specific heat question?

    Could you tell me how to get the C value for this question? I know C=k*(T^3/To^3) from the problem, it also gives me k and To value, but I don't know what is T value.
  3. F

    Hard molar specific heat question?

    Homework Statement At very low temperatures, the molar specific heat of many substances varies as the cube of the absolute temperature: C=k*(T^3/To^3), which is sometimes called Debye's law. For rock salt, To= 281K and k= 1940 J/mol*K Determine the heat needed to raise 2.40 mol of salt from...
  4. F

    How Do You Calculate the Q Value of a Driven Harmonic Oscillator at Resonance?

    Homework Statement The amplitude of a driven harmonic oscillator reaches a value of 21.0 F0/k at a resonant frequency of 390Hz . What is the Q value of this system?Homework Equations w0=2*pi*f0=(k/m)^(1/2) Q=(mvo)/b A = (Fo/m)/ (sqrt( (wo^2-w^2)^2+(b^2*w^2)/m^2) ) The Attempt at a Solution...