Recent content by Fancy Moses

  1. F

    Newton's Law of Cooling and ambient temperature

    I'm somewhat familiar with the formula: T(t)=T_{0}+(T_{i}-T_{0})e^{kt} However, what if the ambient temperature is not constant? How would one find the temperature of an object with an ambient temperature that ramps from A to B (steady ramp let's say)? I'm honestly not sure how to...
  2. F

    Figuring Out Time Required to Heat a Mass at Differing Temperatures

    This is not a homework question at all - it is a small part of a larger issue I am having testing different products in an environmental chamber. Please forgive me for formatting the question in a "homework-fashion". I thought it would be much easier to understand this way. I really hope this...
  3. F

    Heat over time comparison question

    I have a fairly basic (I hope) question - please note that the values given are just to make the problem easier to comprehend: Given: I'm heating, via convection, a constant sized spherical mass (Let's say m=1g) with a consistent surface area (Let's say SA = 1cm^2) at a constant...
  4. F

    Figuring Out Time Required to Heat a Mass at Differing Temperatures

    I have a fairly basic (I hope) question: Given: I'm heating, via convection, a constant sized spherical mass (Let's say m=1g) with a consistent surface area (Let's say SA = 1cm^2) at a constant temperature, Tc, (Let's say Tc = 60ºC) for a time, t = 60 minutes. Let us assume that the mass...
  5. F

    Calculating temperature change over time

    Thanks for the help!
  6. F

    Calculating temperature change over time

    Any response would be nice... anyone with some good background in thermodynamics possibly. Perhaps a "It's quite difficult to do" or "Here's where to start" Anybody?
  7. F

    Calculating temperature change over time

    If I have a heating source that gives off constant single temperature heat which heats a mass of insulator, next to a mass of ice, next to a mass of cold water - how do I predict through calculation the temperature change over time of the water? I know the original temperatures, surface area...
  8. F

    Thermodynamics yes or no Q (with explanation)

    Homework Statement Would it be possible for a changing ambient air temperature profile (e.g. 30ºC for X hours immediately changing to 35ºC for Y hours immediately changing to 25ºC for Z hours) to effect a certain mass and result in a temperature change EQUAL to a separate, constant ambient...
  9. F

    Thermal Modeling: Predicting Water Temperature in an EPS Box

    Typically the temperature of the water inside starts around 6ºC, drops, then ends up a little over 8ºC. It never gets below 0. The water is surrounded by 5ºC gel packs, those have a few -20ºC ice packs around them and the everything is packed inside an EPS case. It never stays constant - I...
  10. F

    Thermal Modeling: Predicting Water Temperature in an EPS Box

    Hi all! I need to figure out a way I can predict the temperature range a small container of water (neglect properties small container and focussing on the water itself) will hold within an insulated expanded polystyrene (EPS) box of a given thickness, over a period of time. We can assume the...