Recent content by excelsior

  1. excelsior

    Favorite Prominent / Professional Astrophotographers

    This is actually a question for a project I'm working on for work and thought this would be a great outlet to ask. What are some of your favorite "pro" photographers that specialize in astrophotography or at least have a lot in their portfolio? They don't have to necessarily even deep dive...
  2. excelsior

    Reading Recommendation - Sun / Stellar Evolution

    Great - I"ll check this one out!
  3. excelsior

    Reading Recommendation - Sun / Stellar Evolution

    Edited - I mean more layman oriented although if it's just a solid textbook that's too good to pass up I'd be interested still.
  4. excelsior

    Reading Recommendation - Sun / Stellar Evolution

    My apologies for starting a thread on a seemingly easy and searchable topic. But, alas, I've searched here, Amazon, google, Goodreads etc and wanted to get some recommendations. Specifically book suggestions on The Sun and / or Stellar evolution. I've ran across several intriguing textbooks...
  5. excelsior

    Part-Time Physicist: Can I Work Full-Time and Pursue a Physics Degree?

    In a similar boat as you. Most will say it's extremely difficult to impossible. On the other hand, you can find accounts of people working insanely hard to go to school and work. Obviously, I can't give you any advice since I'm staring at the same situation as you, but I think it just depends...
  6. excelsior

    Programs Would it be possible for me to major in Astronomy advice please.

    From what I've seen, most schools that actually have an astronomy degree program, it's really just a physics undergrad with some astronomy courses thrown in. I've been in a similar boat. I loved physics and astronomy when I was in college, although I was a different major (radio, tv, film...
  7. excelsior

    How Much Should I Save for Retirement and a House?

    I don't want to hi-jack, but how old were some of you when you really started putting back for retirement? I'm 29 and only have a meager amount in a retirement plan from my current job. I have a bit of credit card debt that I want to wipe out before I can really afford any sort of saving. I will...
  8. excelsior

    43 years old and going back to school

    Ah, yes. Self doubt. I know it well. It's likely the reason I didn't pursue physics when I was working on my degree. (well, that and the delusion I could make a living in the music recording industry. I have no such delusions about physics ;) ) "I love this, but there's no way I could do it at...
  9. excelsior

    43 years old and going back to school

    I concur with "testing the waters" at a community college. I'm 29 and in a similar boat. I already have a degree in Radio, TV and Film, I worked as a recording engineer for a bit and now in IT support for a production music company. Now I'm reconsidering my path and what passions I follow. I'm...
  10. excelsior

    Thirty One Year Old Tempted to Return to University

    Not high-jack, but what are thoughts on a physics BS for someone looking to get into science/astronomy/physics outreach? Obviously that's a small niche, but I guess you could throw non-university teaching in there. My first BA as in Radio, TV and Film. I'm 29 and prepping to go back for a...
  11. excelsior

    Courses Math courses to prepare for undergrad physics for older student

    Yeah, I think re-learning and getting stronger at the basics is where its at, it's been 10 years since high school for me as well. I've been looking over the degree plans for two of the universities I'm considering. Both expect you to start out at the Calculus II level from the get go and be...
  12. excelsior

    Courses Math courses to prepare for undergrad physics for older student

    Hey thanks greeneub! It's nice to know I'm not the only one staring up at what can be perceived as a colossal task. I'm 28 and could very well spend another year or more just preparing at the community college level, but I feel its the best (and only) path if it's something I want to do. I would...
  13. excelsior

    Courses Math courses to prepare for undergrad physics for older student

    Thanks for the insight. It can be daunting looking at it. A few semesters at a community college, taking classes that may not transfer before I even start at the university level which will take some time itself. But, if I want to do it I may as well be prepared.
  14. excelsior

    Courses Math courses to prepare for undergrad physics for older student

    I graduated in 2006 and the last math I took was Probability and Statistics...admittedly I struggled with it from what I remembered. An Algebra refresh wouldn't hurt. At what point could I consider being "ready" for starting undergrad studies? I"m guessing after a good handle on calculus?