Recent content by EuroNerd77

  1. E

    Graphing Parabolas that are not parallel to the y-axis

    What would you do to the equation in order to rotate it? I need an equation to do this.
  2. E

    Graphing Parabolas that are not parallel to the y-axis

    I have gone over parabolas for a while in my Algebra II class and we are limited to just horizontal and vertical parabolas. I want to figure out how to graph a parabola that is titled at an angle. An equation that let's me graph a parabola whose axis of symmetry is let's say at 43° or 312.45° or...
  3. E

    Why does the lim Δx →0 change the ≈ to =?

    It is the derivative of the curved line. y/x = slope. So Δy/Δx is just the "Calculus Way" of defining it.
  4. E

    Schools I want to get a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics. What College?

    I am desiring to get a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, but I know not what college will be best for me to get that degree in. I am taking all the most advanced Science and Math classes at my School. Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy. I live in Southwest Missouri, and my parents have no money...