Recent content by Ettina

  1. E

    Industrial revolution before the Iron Age?

    For preventing disease, you probably can't do a lot of vaccination, apart from the easy stuff like cowpox for smallpox. I'd focus instead on quarantine, sanitation (you can't make a sanitation system, but you can probably get people to dump sewage downriver from where they wash and get drinking...
  2. E

    How Might an Alien Species Use Codeine in Their Biochemistry?

    OK, in my story with a human colony ship headed to a new planet, I'm thinking of making the life on that planet originate from a comet carrying life with a shared ancestry to Earth life. Which means that they'll be a bit less alien than they otherwise could have been. They will share a lot of...
  3. E

    What is your favorite Star Trek series

    I'm afraid that I can't get into TOS. I can't stand how flat and stereotypical the female characters are, and Kirk pisses me off. Spock is OK, but he never had much appeal to me. Some of my favorite characters are: Odo Data Seven of Nine Dax, both Jadzia and Ezri Nog
  4. E

    How Does the Universal Translator Handle Mixed-Language Sentences in Star Trek?

    The Ferengi translator couldn't handle dog in the one with Jonathan Archer.
  5. E

    Completely non-human cast of characters? What book?

    I think you have to be a toddler to do it.
  6. E

    How would lower oxygen affect the greenhouse effect?

    Thanks! So it would be reasonable to give it the same values as earth?
  7. E

    How would lower oxygen affect the greenhouse effect?

    The basic premise is that a wormhole appears near our solar system, and probes sent through find a habitable (and inhabited by non-sentient life) planet. They send a ship full of colonists, and just as the colonists are leaving, the Earth gets destroyed, along with most of the solar system...
  8. E

    How would lower oxygen affect the greenhouse effect?

    If a terrestrial, earth-like planet had an atmosphere similar to Earth but with only around 15% oxygen concentration and 84% nitrogen, what impact would that have on the greenhouse effect of the planet's atmosphere? Are there other factors that would be relevant to calculating the greenhouse effect?