Recent content by etamorphmagus

  1. E

    Space-Time — Momentum-Energy uncertainty relations

    Sorry for bringing this up again, but maybe someone has some response regarding the last message?
  2. E

    Space-Time — Momentum-Energy uncertainty relations

    I meant that P_{i}=P_{x} and P_{f}=\sqrt{P^{2}_{x}+P^{2}_{y}} so P_{f}>P_{i}. I was talking about magnitudes after all the vector operations. Momentum not conserved? How QM deals with simple diffraction, I mean — professors of physics demonstrate the HUP with laser diffraction. So what is the...
  3. E

    Space-Time — Momentum-Energy uncertainty relations

    O.K. but then there's a problem: p_{i} initial momentum magnitude p_{f} final momentum magnitude Initial state: p_x, p_y=0 , so p_{i} = p_x At slit: p_x, p_y, and p_{f} is a composition of p_x, p_y So, p_{f} > p_{i} Explanation?
  4. E

    Space-Time — Momentum-Energy uncertainty relations

    The lecture I talked about: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle by Walter Lewin link: time: about 33:00 He speaks about uncertainty in location and momentum- BUT NOT AROUND A SPECIFIED AXIS. Is it wrong to say that? because...
  5. E

    Space-Time — Momentum-Energy uncertainty relations

    So basically the notion of explaining diffraction with the uncertainty principle is an approximation of physics-classes, to show that narrowing the slit increases diffraction efficiency, but really you can't understand it like that. I'm talking about Lewin's lectures from MIT. And I'll take...
  6. E

    Space-Time — Momentum-Energy uncertainty relations

    Ok, but optics is a classical approximation, how does it sit with the uncertainty principle? I think I have an explanation: The wave-function interacts with the slit, it places some boundaries on the probability-wave, so it might be that y-momentum increases but x-momentum decreases so that...
  7. E

    Space-Time — Momentum-Energy uncertainty relations

    Just thought about something more. Say an electron moves towards the slits with 100% momentum in the x direction, meaning 0 uncertainty on y-momentum. After it passes the slits the y-location is localized so there is uncertainty in y-momentum, which gives is a total momentum which is a...
  8. E

    Space-Time — Momentum-Energy uncertainty relations

    I know, the energy-time relation for particle decays - it explains the short life-span of heavy particles. But I talk about general time-indeterminacy, like in the double slit experiment where you can't know how long it takes for the particle to travel from gun to screen, or the time it take...
  9. E

    Space-Time — Momentum-Energy uncertainty relations

    I understand, the different approaches and levels make it very complicated. Is it safe to say though that time-location-momentum-energy uncertainties are inherent in QM and always there in every experiment? Which will manifest in not knowing the time-travel of a particle in the double-slit...
  10. E

    Space-Time — Momentum-Energy uncertainty relations

    Please, this is a really frustrating technical part of QM I face. From a different thread I understood that time-uncertainty is implied in the double-slit experiment as well as other uncertainties - so this is a decent question. I'll appreciate any attempt to reply. Thank you.
  11. E

    Delayed-choice double slit experiment

    Sure, but what points are the critical ones? You leave a lot of room for questions with your answers, sorry if this is frustrating for you. And what do you mean by context?
  12. E

    Delayed-choice double slit experiment

    Which points? To what? This?
  13. E

    Space-Time — Momentum-Energy uncertainty relations

    From the wikipedia page on" : As I recently noticed in the double-slit experiment there is a lot of time-uncertainty, not only position-momentum uncertainty. That is shown in the fact that the probability wave does not reach the screen...
  14. E

    Delayed-choice double slit experiment

    And of course, in the entangled particles experiments - the delayed quantum erasers, you could wait well after one was "detected", according to wiki. Is this so, in the "delayed choice quantum eraser"? I don't understand it fully, but it's something like that right?
  15. E

    Electron/photon interference pattern questioned

    I found this under Complementarity in Wiki: So time and energy are also intertwined in the quantum-uncertainty. You don't know when the "wave" reaches the screen, so for all we know, it reached averagely at the same time at every point on the screen, and therefore the probability is like a...