Recent content by esorolla

  1. E

    Green's Function and Parallel Plate Waveguide

    Boundary conditions Hello hover I wonder why do you assume that f(∞) must be zero. In a realistic scenario (I mean, within a finite width parallel-plate) this should be the case, otherwise the energy necessary to sustain such a field would be infinite. But if you assume the presence of two...
  2. E

    Spinning metallic disk without magnetic field

    That's a good point! I didn't think about that. Perhaps the authors assumed that the reader was aware of the importance of the Earth's magnetic field. I have to admit that I have not made the experience. I don't have at my disposal the tools to recreate the experience for the moment, though I'd...
  3. E

    Spinning metallic disk without magnetic field

    Indeed, those are the authors. Concerning the wire, yes, it should be fixed to make the problem simpler. Thank you, at least, for the support to the same idea that I defend, but I'm still confused. Regards
  4. E

    Spinning metallic disk without magnetic field

    Hello everybody. I have to admit that I feel quite troubled since long time, actually since I read the solution of a problem that I don't understand and whose wording I immediately pass to briefly relate you. I guess that many of you have heard about the Faraday's disk, that is, a spinning...
  5. E

    Searching for Outgassing Rate of Fused Silica (SiO2)

    Hi everybody I made what I've been told and I received an answer from a librarian. Thank you Borek for your help. I attach the links that I received of a very kind librarian from my university just in case somebody else was looking for the same data:
  6. E

    Searching for Outgassing Rate of Fused Silica (SiO2)

    Hello everybody I'm looking for the outgassing rate of some very common material: fused Silica. The problem is that I cannot find any database where to get the value of it. I found a table where the values of the outgassing rates for some specific glass were shown, but nothing about the...
  7. E

    Free particle in spherical box

    Yes, I see what you mean. I'll try to solve the most general problem (a little longer, considering all the calculations with the spherical harmonics that need to be done to get the total energy of the free particle) and to compare it to that one of the particle inside the cubic box to try to...
  8. E

    Free particle in spherical box

    Thank you for your quick reply. I know that the spherical harmonics are the natural consequence of the solution of the angular part of the Schrödinger equation in 3D in spherical coordinates for a general potential energy and the Bessel functions are the corresponding to the radial part...
  9. E

    Free particle in spherical box

    Homework Statement Hello everybody: I have a problem with the Schrödinger equation in 3D in spherical coordinates, since I'm trying to calculate the discrete set of possible energies of a particle inside a spherical box of radius "a" where inside the sphere the potential energy is zero...
  10. E

    Free particle in spherical polar coords

    Hi Sorry, but I don't see why do you need to use the delta of k'-k. I would integrate the sine square but the problem is that you forgot the integration for the angular variables. Thus there is a "4 times pi" factor missed which should be at RHS of the last equation as denominator of 1/(4*pi)...
  11. E

    Change of variables for Delta distribution

    Ok. Thank you for all.
  12. E

    Change of variables for Delta distribution

    There's something I don't understand when Hurkyl writes How can we go from the first summatory to the second? What I can't understand is why the denominator { |f'(a_i)| } can be expressed as { |f'(x)| } If this expression is well I got an expression for my problem indeed...
  13. E

    Understanding the Gradient and Divergence of Cartesian Tensors

    Ok I only need to relate the gradient of a (n+1,0) tensor with its divergence now. Because I have to get the divergence of the gradient of a (2,0) tensor, and comparate with the gradient of the divergence of the same one. I had no too problems with the gradient of the divergence, but when...
  14. E

    Understanding the Gradient and Divergence of Cartesian Tensors

    Hello: I have a doubt because I don't find the general definition of the nabla operator in order to solve my matter. I am working with dyadic analysis and I have to prove that \nabla^{2}F = \nabla \nabla \bullet F where F is a symmetric dyadic function. My problem is when I have...
  15. E

    Change of variables for Delta distribution

    Thank you for everything. I couldn't log in the last days. I'll try what you suggest me. Have nice Holidays.